View Full Version : A few pimples and already Karposi sarcoma scared

09-09-09, 04:16
I have 3 little wounds on the ankels of the feet and a few pimples on the back of my throat and cheek. Now all of the sudden I am scared s**tless as this could be karposi sarcoma. Had a few looks at the mirror this moring and every pimple and redness terrifies. And a look at an HIV forum said that it starts at the foot which does not help at all.

My logic tells me this is ungrounded but I needed to take a Valium last night because of restless thoughts.

My currrent slightly enlarged do not make me think too positively either.

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10-09-09, 00:26
Hi there...first of all...stay off of HIV forums and google. Neither can tell if if u have it or don't and BOTH will scare the S*** out of you. Next, have you really seen Karposi Sarcoma or are you just thinking your zits must be that? Take a look:

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A-2JjuZUU2c-UM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Kaposi%27s_Sarcoma.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Kaposi%27s_Sarcoma.jpg&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kaposi%27s_Sarcoma.jpg&usg=__ymQURVrGKhJlzTuT6wsscnO-uVI=&h=1800&w=2700&sz=2675&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=A-2JjuZUU2c-UM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkarposi%2Bsarcoma%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den )
this is on the arm

here it is in the mouth:
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:NvxKgMCcEbSsVM:http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/clin/v62n6/16f4.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/clin/v62n6/16f4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php%3Fscript%3Dsci_arttext%26pid%3DS1807-59322007000600018&usg=__4_fzPwxnwmdaZ17BJPipzZTmVlE=&h=329&w=408&sz=30&hl=en&start=15&tbnid=NvxKgMCcEbSsVM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkarposi%2Bsarcoma%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den )

More on the back:
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:IgigJMtxxxuPRM:http://aidshistory.nih.gov/first_encounters/photos/back.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://aidshistory.nih.gov/first_encounters/photos/back.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.care-mates.com/blog/%3Fcat%3D653&usg=__CA0R2qmqTXKTCLuhD7n8jFm-v1g=&h=389&w=600&sz=25&hl=en&start=12&tbnid=IgigJMtxxxuPRM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkarposi%2Bsarcoma%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den )

I don't think that a few pimples is the same as what this is. As far as the bumps at the back of your throat...normal. Go to the top of this page and do a search for tonsil stone and bumps in throat. You will see that many other people...myself included...who are HIV - on a good day when HA is not driving our thoughts, have the same thing. My best friend has them too. They are taste buds and nothing more.

Do you really know the risk factors associated with getting HIV? They are not what your HA mind would have you to beleive. Yes, you need to be careful, but HIV is one of the hardest STDs to transmit. Please try to relax...stress can weaken your immune system....just like HIV would....and will make your body run down and sick which will make you even more scared.

A simple solution is a test...have you thought about that? Please know that you are not alone and I really doubt that the bumps you are seeing are anything more than a clogged pore.

10-09-09, 06:35
Thank you for your message. The pictures sure did terrify me however on the other hand I am somewhat relieved as the “bumps” are vanishing again. Thus my little bumps are far from what is seen in those pics. My Mr Positive tells me that I these bumps and pimples come due to sweat and the necklace I am wearing. I agree if I really had Karposi that would be a totally different sight and it would increase rapidly.

However I must note that I had chicken pox around 4 months ago and it looked similarly scary to what was on those links. That was basically when my freaking HA started.

I have done my bloodwork checked 3 times the last 2 month and the doctor say there is nothing wrong with me and ask we why I keep on coming back. However whenever I look in the mirror and I see my tongue has a white patch or those pimples and red spots I freak out.

Interesting is though that whenever I do some fun stiff as playing badminton or watching a movie I forget my “terminal illness”. However when I allow my thoughts to wander then the HA comes back.

Sometime I try to use logic. Once I watched a comedy on Thai TV and AIDS came up. That night I started getting night sweats and of course I had to look up google. Bingo there you go. Interesting that Dr. Google always has terrifying and fatal diseases if you look for them. Too bad what I have read cannot go out of my head.

10-09-09, 12:50
Hey Dronnie

Do you think that you have hiv? Is that why you are looking at the forums? Or is it just that the idea of hiv frightens you and you are personalising all this info because you have anxiety?

One thing is certain is that you do have health anxiety.......

Have you ever had an hiv test? JUST TOTALLY OUT OF CURIOSITY!!!



10-09-09, 15:37
No my logic says that I do not have HIV. However I have been reading too much on the internet which keeps on scaring me like an unending horror movie. I have seen several doctors and nobody seems to interpret my symptoms the way I do. They say I am fine and healthy but do acknowledge that I have anxiety and are giving me benzos.

Maybe I should just start enjoying life and stop worrying about these minor symptoms. A pimple is a pimple let it be it.

10-09-09, 15:54

Pimples are pimples, spots are spots, glands are glands.......

Logic is definately the way forward!!!

Isnt it crazy the way that we try to understand medical stuff and getso carried away being frightened about stuff we read simply becuae we have a body and thats needed to have these ilnesses we freak out about!! Its a horrid thing to put ourselves through!!

The bottom line is thinking and worrying about health stuff is actually really boring and if we HAD to do it for an essay or exam the chances are we would leave to the last minute becuase its soooooooo boring.

Hope you keep strong!!!


11-09-09, 00:19
drronnie I am so sorry if I scared you :) I was really just trying to help you see that what you have does not look like KS or doctors would have said something. Please please forgive me if I made your anxiety worse.

As far as having HIV....only a test can tell you that and the the only thing google can do is get you terrified. I can relate to seeing it on TV and being scared....I would think it was a "sign". HA can make you think CRAZY stuff. The reality is that HIV is very hard to pass through heterosexual vaginal sex. I think that we fear it because we see it as a death sentence. Please try to relax and know that even if you have not had a test...you have had a recent bout of blood work. If you had HIV, your white blood cells would have been dangerously low. My Dr. told me this. General bloodwork is not an HIV test but will flag that something is wrong if you had it. There is no way that you could have a deadly disease and your bllod work come back clean :)

12-09-09, 10:53
Thanks for your post Stressed32 which gave me a lot of comfort. I will try to stay away as much from Dr. google as possible and stop self diagnosing. For example I often have a white tongue and after I read somethig about HIV and oral thrush the tongue started to burn whoich confirmed my fears. Howecer the doctor said that my tongue is white because I ate too much pastry and drink to little water. When I tried to brush my tongue it comes off.

I have to try to find a a way to combat this kind of anxiety, because this can indeed have impact on immune system and health.

19-10-09, 19:17
Wow, I totally relate to you guys!! This stuff scares the living daylights out of me. I have a massive HIV fear and am particularly scared of mouth symptoms but also marks, spots and bruises! I just wanted to say I know how you feel :(

13-05-10, 02:31
Wow, I totally relate to you guys!! This stuff scares the living daylights out of me. I have a massive HIV fear and am particularly scared of mouth symptoms but also marks, spots and bruises! I just wanted to say I know how you feel :(

Today I discovered a brown mark on my elbow. Scared the h_ell out of me. However I calmed a bit now. How can I get rid of this panic? :(