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20-10-05, 12:48
Was just wondering whether anyone else here has problems coping with change and how they deal with ith. This seems to be a big problem of mine. Thanks.

20-10-05, 12:56
i dont like change and im sure there are many others here that dont either...
i never have but didnt realise it was to do with panic/anxiety until recently i think it is all to do with needing to be in control.
i am much better now and coping better but change does still throw me a bit... it sounds silly doesnt it but i know what you mean.
sorry not much advice there but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone...

20-10-05, 13:14
I find it hard to handle change as well. I think it is another wonderful anxiety trait!

I to like to be in control as best i can and when things change it's scary and you can feel a bit out of sorts. Like you have lost your comfort zone.

I try to look at it now though as POSITIVILY as i can. Things happen for a reason and we have to make the best out of the change as we can. Accept it don't fight it.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X

20-10-05, 13:32
I too hate change, but I have recently moved house, and in a week I start a new job! I'm not sure about how well I will cope with the new job yet, but I think I coped with moving, but trying to familiarise myself with the area beforehand - eg - I practised the journey to work from there several times, and I also visited the local supermarket. It still felt really strange the day I moved (especially as I was on my own for the whole day), but already I am getting used to it. I did have a few moments where I felt I wouldn't be able to cope, but actually it's not been as bad as I expected.
I have a week off next week before I start the new job and I will again do some practice journeys to work, walk around in the area close to the office so it starts to feel more familiar (I hate going to unfamiliar places).
It's never easy, but I'm sure we can do it!!
One other thing, if you have 2 things changing in your life try to make sure they are not at exactly the same time - I delayed starting my new job as I knew I had to move and I knew it would have been too much for me to change everything at once.
Good luck, and best wishes!

20-10-05, 13:32
You have got to try and be accepting of new things i think.

Something i find difficult really as well!

Just accept that you can't plan and control life but just go with what u think is best,

Try and think of it like a game almost?!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

20-10-05, 14:51
Hi :D

Looks like you're not alone with worries about change!! For the last seven years I have been trying to go back to work after being at home for what seemed like an eternity looking after my children. I felt safe at home with them and kept control of everything in my life. Gradually, the children have started school and needed me less and less. I did some voluntary work and now I do occasional temping but not very successfully:( I get very panicky when I am in unfamiliar places and keep running away (fight or flight and I fly nearly every time...)
I have just accepted a temping assignment for next week (full time hours for the first time in ages!) and I am going to try really hard to do it. I am already feeling the first signs of anxiety in my throat and my breathing but I know what to do to fight those symptoms. Its a constant struggle with myself but I know I will get there one day....
The fear of change is the fear of the unknown but if you push yourself and get out there to do the things that bring changes in your life, they will become the norm. You will hopefully no longer fear it.
Sorry for the long message but CHANGE is the thing I fear most and I wanted you to know you are not alone[8)]
PM me anytime for a chat

Jem xxx

Clare England
20-10-05, 18:03

yes, I too have major problems with change. I used to (before I beacame ill with this thing!) think that I was very adaptable but I realise I am really the opposite - at least I am nowadays. I hate change and cling on to familiar things. Change really wobbles my world!


20-10-05, 18:44
Thanks for all your advice.

20-10-05, 19:04
Change brings uncertainty and for most people this brings a degree of nervousness.

The degree of nervousness - anxiety- panic is down to how you think about it, your attitude counts.

If you have the chance and decide to go with it and almost embrace the changes, contributing as much as possible and keeping involved even if its not what you want then it will still be much easier to cope with than if it is thrust on you suddenly as a done job and you have had no time to prepare or think it through.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 17:24
it's funny i was looking through some family photos today and realised that change was something that was REALLY absent, every xmas looked the same, every holiday was practically the same!

maybe thats why i can't cope so well and am resistant to it now?

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

21-10-05, 18:45
Guess what?

The whole of the human race hates change.

I hate change, but an imminent divorce has thrust massive changes onto me, and you know what? I didn't die, it was/is tough but I'm still here and very gradually I'm moving forward.

We fear change because we fear the unknown, but the reality is there is nothing to fear because whatever changes we always have ourselves.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."