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View Full Version : Citalopram not working / skin not healing...???

20-10-05, 13:46
Hi all,

I was on Citalopram 10mg for 5 weeks and have been on an increased dose of 20mg for a further 3 weeks and still feel awful.

My sleep is better but my anxiety and depression still rage on and I am absolutely shattered all of the time. The only place I want to be is in bed but I am struggling on and still working.

The one odd thing that has happened recently is that I have a few things on my skin that don't seem to want to heal. I had what looked like two bites on my forearm, which eventually bled and now just won't heal properly. They scab over but have been like this for nearly a month now and still itch and just won't heal properly.

Also, I had a coldsore on my lip, which I've had before and always go away within a few days. This one has been around for 3 weeks now and won't heal properly.

Just wondering if anyone else on Citalopram or other SSRIs has seen it affecting the healing of skin at all? I just feel incredibly run down and am thinking of stopping these pills because the only thing that has improved with me is the sleep, and thats only because I am so exhausted!


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

20-10-05, 14:30
Hi Gareth,

I am on Citalopram and found that they weren't working for me in the begining. They are now though, I think it's all down to finding that right dose for you. For me it's 30mg, I started on 20mg back in June and for weeks just didn't feel like it was helping but it is helping. Like you said you are starting to sleep better wich is a bonus. Just make a point of going back to your doctor and saying that you feel it has helped in a couple of ways but your anxiety is still pretty bad, thats what I did and they were going to up me to 40mg but I'm happy on the 30mg. As for the tiredness I'm affraid that doesn't go away, I did however find that taking them at tea time rather than the morning takes the edge off a little bit.

As for the skin thing, shouldn't think that would be related to your meds, it's probably just the fact that your soo down at the moment. Are you making sure to eat? I know that with your anxiety eating is the last thing on your mind, but at least try and eat some fruit or something when you can just to boost you up a little bit. Plus you could even try getting a good vitamin, I'm now taking Omega 3 fish oils wich are good.

Another suggestion I would make for the feeling tired and can't be bothered, is just to get up and do something. I know that it may sound a lot easier said than done but it's the only way to beat it. I have 3 kids so therefor don't have the option wich I think has been the one thing that has helped me stay on top. With my partner working and the kids having nursery plus shopping and things needing to be done I have no option but to get out their and get on with things. Don't get me wrong there are some days where I just bubble at the thought of getting out of bed becuase I just want to sleep forever. What I'm trying to say with this mini novel (lol) is that it will get better, don't let it get you down, be stronger and always be honest with your doctor about how your feeling so that you get the right meds and dose, I had it suggested to me that you should write down everything that you want the doctors to know so that when you get there you wont forget.

I do hope that you start to feel better soon.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-10-05, 19:07
Thank you Claire for those encouraging words.

I guess I'll just stick the tablets out and hope for the best. The tiredness is really getting to me and I was hoping to be past that by now, I've been taking the pills for 8 weeks now (but I suppose at a low dosage) so in another few weeks I'll up them to 30mg and see how I get on.

I do get up every day and go to work and have a very active life actually so I suppose I am quite lucky that I'm still able to do that. It all just feels a bit pointless when you're anxious, tired and depressed all the time!

I hope you continue to feel better

all the best

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

20-10-05, 19:24

20 isn't always a therapeutic dose as yet. 20-60 mg

About your skin- are you taking any supplements ?

I'm sorry you're still feeling so rotton, I know you're having a very tough time.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 00:18
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I do get up every day and go to work and have a very active life actually so I suppose I am quite lucky that I'm still able to do that. It all just feels a bit pointless when you're anxious, tired and depressed all the time!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

This is a good thing though Gareth, as you have something to get up for, which is more than some people. The only way that all of us are going to get better is just to carry on. Even on those days when the weather is crap, your tired and only need a pint of milk so think 'whats the point I'm not going out!', just do it! Get up keep going.

Do you have any friends? ones you can go out with? I'm only asking that because I don't and my Councellor feels that Isolation from people has played a big factor in how I'm feeling. Since finding this out about myself I find I'm making my self more chatty ie interacting with the mums at nursery, talking to the people on tills in shops ect. Small and pointless chat sometimes but good to keep you going, I find it helps stop the sereal feeling (dp, if you get that).

I know everything is seeming to go soo slow and soo meaningless but I promise that one day you will look back on this post and sigh, as you wont be able to believe the change.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

21-10-05, 09:13
Thanks again.

Meg - I did buy a load of supplements but for some reason never took them - I think I will start to because my skin does seem to be in a bit of a state. Not sure why though as my diet is OK, I eat the things that are supposed to be good for you! I guess this is just a symptom of being run down.

Claire - I agree that isolation is probably one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. I am lucky in that I go to work every day and I do have friends that I see regularly. I also attend an evening class once a week. For me its not "doing" anything that is a problem, its just the constant "feeling" of anxiety which developed into depression. Its hard for me because nothing specific sets my anxiety off, its just "there" all the time, so I can't "face" my specific fears as I don't seem to have any. I believe that my problems are emotionally based, so am working on them with a therapist at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the replies and I will, as you say, continue to just get on with it - its the only choice really!

be well,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

21-10-05, 10:46
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">For me its not "doing" anything that is a problem, its just the constant "feeling" of anxiety which developed into depression. Its hard for me because nothing specific sets my anxiety off, its just "there" all the time, so I can't "face" my specific fears as I don't seem to have any.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I am exactly the same with my anxiety, It just came out of the blue one day (watching eastenders) again no specific cause it's called GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). My councellor said that it might have a lot to do with child hood,forgotten memories and stuff. I'm still waiting to hear about a group therapy that I'm being put forward for lets hope that can get to the bottom of it. I can't stand being afraid of nothing, if you know what I mean.

I hope that you get to the bottom of your problems soon.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

21-10-05, 11:26
Same for me - I woke up one morning feeling like this (10th March 2005, I remember it well - the day everything changed!)

I do believe that GAD is about unresolved or unexpressed emotions. There was a period of my childhood between 12 and 18 that was pretty awful family-wise and all the theories about GAD point to this being the underlying cause. Problems in childhood give you an underlying sense of insecurity, and the anxiety is a way of coping with this - to keep you in a state of "high alert" all the time because part of your mind keeps thinking you are constantly under threat, even when you are not.

Anyway, thanks for your advice, and I hope you get the help you need really soon,


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

30-12-06, 02:13
Hi Gareth,

I have been on the same drug for 3 months.
The first month i was on 20 mg, then up to 40 mg the last 2 month.
I have had a terrible rash since i started taking them, all over espes
cially my hands,ankles and arms too, i cant stop itching.
The doctor at first tried steroid cream but this did not work.
He is now convinced like me its a reaction to this pills and im coming off them now quite quickly and should be off them in around 21 days.
He said he will put me gradually on to another type of drug so i dont feel too bad coming off it.
Was only my second day off it yesterday will let you know how i get on but the itch is terrible and have been itching till i bleed.
hope this helps

30-12-06, 11:40
You really should be feeling at least SOME benefit after 8 weeks on a med. The choice to stop or continue is yours, not the doctors - if YOU feel the benefits are outweighing the side effects or not.
Good luck x

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."