View Full Version : worried about painfull headache, was in hospital yesterday..

sarah jayne
09-09-09, 09:13
Hi, for the last 3 and a half weeks ive been having headaches. They started when i started taking citalopram so i thought it was that. I went to the doctors yesterday to tell him that i wanted to stop taking it, he took my blood pressure, pulse and temperature. I had low blood pressure, a fast pulse and a high temp, i was also feeling dizzy. I was admitted to hospital and spent the day there. I had blood tests which came back fine. The doctor at the hospital said he thought my headache was caused by a viral infection and that i should go home to bed, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water. He said if i get any worse or if i collapse or anything then to go straight back...
I am now more worried then ever, it never croosed my mind that i could have a virus. I googled it when i got home and it came up with meningitis ! I am so worried and im just waiting to collapse ! Ive now convinced myself that ive got something wrong with my brain and that im going to die. Im so scared..

09-09-09, 09:48
Hi Sarah Jayne, you are really having a tough time at the moment aren't you?
The fact you were in hospital yesterday and blood tests came back fine, suggest it possibly is a virus, but on top of the way you are feeling with the panic and anxiety at the moment, makes it unbearable and very scary. I was feeling this way 10 days ago, when had the worst irratible bowel episode i ever had, because of the panic state i was in, convinced myself i was dying, even though hospital and doctor reassured me it was IBS. My doctor upped my propanolol dose and in the last week, i have been calming down and having more rational thoughts rather then the over whelming scary ones that you are having now. Could you give you doctor a ring and or get to see them today to talk to them about how you are feeling? I am around all day and will stay online if you want to talk. Take care.