View Full Version : How do I cope? RE: Palpitaitons

09-09-09, 10:38
Hi, I left work yesterday as just after lunch I had a palplitation. In the end I took my self to hospital & it eventually calmed down.

But its 2 in 2 days this has happened & ive now taken leave for 2 days in an attempt to calm down a bit.

Im not sure if its an anxiety induced palpitation or not but when it came on I got panicky which made it worse.

I thought if it carried on something bad would happened so I upped and left.

My question is, how should I cope, what should I do if it happens again? How do others like me cope when it hits them at work?

My wife is worried as it could affect my job if this carries on. We have had alot of stress at the mo with house moving etc...

Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

09-09-09, 11:12
hey peter,

I also get this at worst it was non stop for 4 days but that was a long time ago.

I have only had it happen once in five months recently so for me it comes and goes but the best way i found to cope especially in tricky situations i.e work or driving. Is to have complete trust in yourself and know deep down its anxiety caused.

I tend to try and keep my breathing as normal as possible, try not to react to it at all and i tell myself to bring it on even stronger i ask myself for an even faster heart beat and even scarier thoughts.

Very hard and scary to do at first but once mastered calms things down v quickly (for me anyway) but you must have 100% trust in yourself for this to work.

Good luck hope this helps


09-09-09, 11:56
Thank you, Ill defo try but ist so damm hard when ur pulse is racing like that. Doesnt help that I constantly check my pulse is in normal range either!

09-09-09, 12:03
:hugs: Hi, There is good info on palpitations in ""symptoms"" in the main menu left of screen. you will have to scroll down a bit. Best wishes

18-09-09, 08:22
Hi Peter:

I'm new here and am having the same symptoms you are having, so I thought I'd offer what advice I can based on my experience. I find that my palpitations are worse after I eat...so I have stopped eating lunch at work. I'll eat an early and light breakfast (I avoid caffeine since it brings on my anxiety more) then I don't eat anything heavy at lunch at work... maybe a small salad or fruit then I get home and eat dinner -- after which, I usually start having the feelings in my chest that are somewhat relieved when I belch or pass gas (sorry a little TMI but it may be helpful to know). I take lots of deep breaths thru my nose and blow out slowly thru my mouth. I also walk around the house when they're really acting up. For some reason the movement makes me not think about it so much. I know it'll pass... it's tough at work, because it's easy to get yourself worked up about it. But just try to concentrate on your breathing and try very hard to redirect your attention on something else besides the annoying little flutters going on.

Hope that helps!!

18-09-09, 11:28
:hugs: Hi just out of curiosity:blush: Did you ever look at Symptoms in the main menu???:blush:
Sorry for being pushy - :hugs:

18-09-09, 11:33
poor peter .....you seem to be having a lot of bother with these palps lately.......i KNOW its hard for you and relaxation does help .......but its very very hard to do at the time ...........take care and be kind to yourself love ......xx