View Full Version : Diarrhea and Birth Control

09-09-09, 10:56
Sorry to get graphic. But Saturday early morning I woke up took my BC pill and then about two seconds later had to go to the bathroom with some diarrhea. About hour later I got up and had a little more. Then fine for the rest of the day.

Sunday morning I took my pill again and was fine all day until midnight later in the evening had some diarrhea again. Monday took my pill, fine all day, Tuesday took my pill fine all day. Tuesday night had sex with my husband. Should I be concerned, should I take the emergency contraceptive pills on top of my pills?

09-09-09, 14:28
I left a voice mail with the nurse at my GYN to ask her too.

09-09-09, 17:51
I would use other contraceptives just to be safe! Sounds like that pill is not agreeing with you....what did the GYN say???

09-09-09, 17:52
Oh, and I wouldn't use the emergency contraceptive pill just yet - ask your GYN first!

09-09-09, 19:18
I talked to the nurse at the GYN's office. She said that the diarrhea won't affect my pill at all. That it takes 4 hours for the pill to get through my system and the first round I had came too soon for it to come out and the 2nd one on Sunday came way too long after. It would have already been absorbed by then.

She said that diarrhea is only an issue for those on birth control who have chronic daily stomach problems like IBS or Crohn's.

She said no emergency contraception needed. As for diarrhea I know that wasn't the pill. I have been taking the pills for 15 years and never had a problem. That was either a small bug I caught or just something I ate.