View Full Version : really scared and very low ,also tightness in throat

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 11:11
someone please help today i cant get out of bed , im scared , im so low , im dizzy and i ive been crying all morni have a tightness in my throat like its closing up or my tongue is too big for my mouth ,ive been crying all morning and i feel like i cant take this anymore ,ive had enough of life like this

09-09-09, 11:29
Anxious:hugs: you know you have had these sensations before:ohmy:
First step - do get up (slowly as you need)
get cup of tea
have toast or cereal
Make your self move around
Sitting still will not help.

:hugs: your tongue feels too big for your mouth because your mouth is dry.
Your throat feels like it is closing up because of a nervous muscle in your throat ( anyone and everyone who has PAs HA has this at some point)
MOST important ===== YOU WILL GET OVER THIS:hugs:
Best wishes

09-09-09, 11:30
Hi Anxious elephant.
You have done the best thing you could do, you got on your computer and posted for help, it is a positive rational step. Well done! The way your feeling today is horrible isn't it? I was feeling like you are now 10 days ago, you will get through this! I promise, take it hour by hour, day by day. you are not alone, i will stay on line for a bit if you want to talk.
take care.xx

09-09-09, 11:47
Hi Vickimary,

Normally I would agree with you but on this occasion I can not. Anxious keeps posting for help to every symptom she is getting and scanning the forum for advice. The problem is this means she is constantly thinking about them which is the opposite of what she should be doing. She should be occupying her time with activities that take her attention away from her negative thinking. By continually posting and scanning the forums she is maintaining her anxiety.

I really sympathize with you anxious but at the moment you are your worst enemy.

John :hugs:

09-09-09, 11:56
Hi John
I agree that trying to distract and get up and do other things is what needs to be done and we all can say that when we are feeling rational. Poor anxious elephant is obviously overwhelmed by irrational thoughts and fears and needs our support at this time. I haven't been on this forum very long but i thought the whole point is to help each other through it.

Anxious, i am on line if you need someone!

09-09-09, 12:09
Hi John
I agree that trying to distract and get up and do other things is what needs to be done and we all can say that when we are feeling rational. Poor anxious elephant is obviously overwhelmed by irrational thoughts and fears and needs our support at this time. I haven't been on this forum very long but i thought the whole point is to help each other through it.

Anxious, i am on line if you need someone!
Vicky you are quite right that we are on here to help and support each other BUT 'anxious' and 'missy' have got themselves into such a state of fear that they are not listening to anything we tell them.
They are both afraid to get out of bed or to move around because they feel soooo dizzy BUT that will not improve if they do not move about.
Sorry if that is blunt but it is a fact i have been thro this many times and it is very hard to cope with.
best wishes

09-09-09, 12:15
Hi Vickymary,

Anxious has been posting on the forum constantly for the last few days, each time with a new symptom. We have all been giving her lots of sympathy and good advice. But she is obsessing and not taking the advice. I am not the only one who as realized this, if you read the posts to her threads you will see this. I may come across a little hard, but I can assure you I know what I am talking about and only have her best interest at heart. Anxious is making herself ill with her worrying, and the only way she can reduce her anxiety is listen to the very good advice that she has been getting on the forums.

As much as I hate saying it, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.


09-09-09, 12:18
i disagree with some of whats been said , if we could get up and do it we would easier said than done at times,anxious is scared like myself its just not as easy as some are making out

09-09-09, 12:26
Hi amandaj,

No one is making out it is easy, I have social phobia and my condition has made me dysfunctional for 30 years. There is no easy solution to anxiety, the best path is always the hard path. That is how it works. The only way I can improve from my phobia is expose myself to phobic situations. I accept that though it is the last thing I want to hear. Anxious needs good advice and many on this forum have been giving it to her. But she is not listening to any of us.


09-09-09, 12:28
I think that everyone is right in one way or another.

Anxious I think that you need some tools to work with. Are you going to get any help like psychology refferal? Sorry i have been too engrossed in self pity to read your other posts:weep: !!

Cbt has helped me to regain some control, i think thats what you need to get to the point where Johnluke advice would be very usefull.

I know where you are. When i was there I hadnt found this forum and was in absolute hell with only the Terrence Higgins Trust helpline for comfort....they loved me....not!

But you have found this forum and thats good but you might benefit from deliberately saving the reasurrance that it gives you for total worst case situations. Or try setting yourself a goal to stay away from forum for set periods of time through the day becaues its very true that with HA you are lacking in the ability to have confidence in your own reassurance and like a muscle that needs toned you have to use it to shape it up.

I hope that makes some sense to you hun

Junes steps to you are great, have you started working through them yet?? I hope you are at least on the cup of tea part!!!


09-09-09, 12:32
I agree amandaJ, i was where anxious elephant was 10 days ago. and it could be any one of us tomorrow making a similar post for help and support. Panic and anxiety is an irrational illness, and advice from health professionals or forum friends will likely fall on deaf ears, we all know that we need to beleive it ourselves before we can have some better days free from some anxiety. I don't feel anxious should be made to feel even worse so that she then doesn't post to the forum, as she needs the emotional support to be found here.

09-09-09, 12:41
Hi vickimary,

I never suggested that Anxious should not use the forum or be supported. But if you had regularly used the forum over the last 4-5 days you would see the she is constantly posting and obsessing. She needs to have a break because this is only making her anxiety worse.

A question vickimary have you ever done CBT?

09-09-09, 12:51
if shes posted a few times over the past few days she obv needs all our support , ive been comming on here a long time now and i posted alot in the past its does help , we all need friends to support us thorugh this horrible illness

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 12:53
yes years ago but it didnt work and i cant get anymore

09-09-09, 12:56

Was that CBt? Have you been back to the drs?

What did the cbt give you? Was it for health anxiety?


anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 13:04
cbt was for GAD and all the drs say theres no more they can do for me

09-09-09, 13:15
cbt was for GAD and all the drs say theres no more they can do for me

Anxous thats a horrible thought to be having. I feel like that sometimes inbetween my CBT appointments.

I notice that my GAD and HA flare up when my mood is low. Do you think your mood is down right now?

What kind of 'normal' stuff has been happening for you this week? Anything rubbish that your keeping in?


09-09-09, 13:16
im appearing ignorant here what is gad?

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 13:20
my mood is so low im in bed panicing and crying i feel like im dying ,the dizziness is really bad and i cant eat , just feel like ending it

09-09-09, 13:22
you will be fine i cant eat either and im sat here in a apanic aswell cos my heart is misssing beats but we will get there stay strong xx

09-09-09, 13:25
amandaj, GAD is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It is a condition when the triggers of anxiety are not as specific as the other disorders.

09-09-09, 13:29
ty i didnt have a clue what it meant

09-09-09, 13:37
Dizziness and not eating definately go hand in hand....been there.

If you didnt have anxiety...and you had a problem say......no money to pay something....would you stay in bed feeling the way you are now?

If you did you would end up feeling super depressed. Okay so you are suffering from anxiety but you are still a person.. you still need all the things a person needs and this includes looking after your mood and being responsible for the way you let yourself react to things. Today you are letting the anxiety bully you and walk all over your boundaries. You are not your anxiety......try to create a space between it and its effect on you by manually making yourself get out of bed and have something to drink , like tea or coffee.


anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 13:48
the dizziness is so bad today i can barely stand up and im having a hard time using this laptop ,have tried eating a weetabix but only managed 2 mouthfuls how can i live when i can barely see straight coz of dizziness

09-09-09, 13:54
dizzines will pass try having a cup of soup or something thats what someone recommended me to have on here its not much but its not like eating

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 13:59
the dizziness dosnt pass though thats the problem i have it 24/7 and thats what i cant stand , i never know weather to call an ambulance or not ,my husband and doc said you dont call an ambulance till im collapsed on the floor but by then wont it be too late

09-09-09, 14:29
the dizziness dosnt pass though thats the problem i have it 24/7 and thats what i cant stand , i never know weather to call an ambulance or not ,my husband and doc said you dont call an ambulance till im collapsed on the floor but by then wont it be too late

I think what they mean is that your are never going to need an ambulance becuae they really really dont expect you to actually collapse on the floor.


anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 14:32
yes how far do i let the dizziness get before i call ambulnce

09-09-09, 14:35
yes how far do i let the dizziness get before i call ambulnce

What do you think is causing the dizziness?


09-09-09, 14:37
yes how far do i let the dizziness get before i call ambulnce
You don't - you get up and work thro the dizziness.
No use saying you can't untill you have tried

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 14:42
To lisa i have no idea whats causing dizziness , and June i do try and work through the dizzines most days but the dizziness makes me feel sick and unco ordinated, do you have constant dizziness or do you only have it now and again

09-09-09, 14:49
I used to have dizziness for days at a time BUT i still have to function - i will not "just give up "" i have even got on the bus to town feeling so giddy i would pass out. I now make sure that i am near people or cut thro shops so that if i pass out there is someone close.

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 14:53
june what was causing your dizziness

09-09-09, 14:54

Not thinking that the dizziness caused by anxiety would be an ambulance situation unless you hurt yourself if you did fall. I think anxiety might be making you demand answers RIGHT NOW!!!to questions that you dont actually need to answer.


anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 14:59
yes but lisa i dont think anxiety is causing the dizziness, i think theres something bad wrong with me

09-09-09, 15:02
it is anxiety anxious i know it makes us feel like it something else but it isnt think we get to the stage of thinking how can anxiety cause this when we feel like we are about to die

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 15:10
i want to believe its anxiety but just cant no matter how hard i try :ohmy:

09-09-09, 15:15
Then you have to accept that you dont 'feel' like you beleive it and acknowledge that those are only feelings and thoughts and not fact or logic, and then carry on as normal as you can, and I promise it will a get less and less and you will get more in control.


09-09-09, 15:17

you are at the point where the fact you are not trying to diagnose your dizziness is a god send....DONT!!

I think thousand of HA sufferers wish they had never learned anything about illness. I know that i would be soooooooo happy if i had never read about hiv.


anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 15:18
i just keep thinking the docs have missed something bad because they know i have anxiety they put everything down to it

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 15:21
lisa ive have diagnosed myself loads of times ive had everything and still think i have ,ive googled and looked in medical books so many times but theres that many things it could be i dont know what to think

09-09-09, 15:22
yup and thats just a thought, not a fact.

It nothing more than an anxious thought. Dr arent inthe habit of risking their jobs and peoples health ....goes against everything they are about!!

I think that all the time. Everyone does its human to worry but you are giving your thoughts too much importance.


09-09-09, 15:23
lisa ive have diagnosed myself loads of times ive had everything and still think i have ,ive googled and looked in medical books so many times but theres that many things it could be i dont know what to think

Thats good too...dont think...please dont pin it to an ilness..your in a good position here

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 15:47
sometimes it feels like things are whizzing past me other times it feels like im floating, then times it feels like ive gone cross eyed ,or like when youve had to much to drink and you lay down it feels like your gonna fall off the bed, and sometimes i can be just sitting there and it fels like ive dropped,and sometimes it feels like whatever i look at seems to be trailing ,then i cant see properly and thing dont look right , surely this has got to be more than anxiety

09-09-09, 18:08
Anxious, i say the same, "surely this isnt anxiety"!! But it is hun, and i think without sounding as harsh as others who have replied, until you can except that anxiety can do this to us then its just going to loiter and be a nusience and keep you from enjoying the life you want back. Now listen to me dishing out advice like that if only i could practise what i preach hey!!! lol. I have to extent accepted that my physical symptoms are brought on by anxiety, but its not a downfall to find it hard to cope or even being frightened by your symptoms. I think you just find a different method of dealing with it, and we all will at some point need a bit of reassurance.
Your dizziness feels worse and worse because you are fueling it with your fear that the doctors have missed something, i know everyone says this and i know its easier said than done, because your scared of collapsing (a big big fear of mine so totally understand) but you really do need to get about, slowly and take it easy, it will help you honestly, cuz if you just sit/lay you will keep thinking and worrying, by getting up even for a short while, you need to concentrate on getting about. I hope you start to feel better soon, and i really do understand. Take care, debs xx

10-09-09, 00:18
best thing to do when you feel like this... TURN OFF the computer - TURN ON the dvd player, put a wonderful kiddie movie on the dvd - charlie and the chocolate factory or polar express being my favourites make a pile of toast and jam and a cup of tea and before you know it the child in you will be so wrapped in in the movie you will have forgotten about your symptoms, when you focus on the symptoms without break for so long you don't feel better you actually begin to feel worse !!!