View Full Version : my foot is sort of tingling

09-09-09, 11:44
Hi guys sorry to keep posting same old same old but today my left foot feels almost tingly, the thing is i dont actually know if it is tingly or if im just zoning in on it. I know that sounds really strange. For the past few days i have felt like i have got sciatica down my back and into my leg could that cause the tingling sensation.(and when i say tingling its only very light not even pins and needles) i have convinced myself that here is another ms symptom as ive had so many. I worry when i get them and then i worry when they have gone as i know ms symptoms come and go but do they come and go every few days? Im sorry to ramble have my appointment monday with the cbt team and am so nervous i am really debating not to go as the whole place is just drab and dreary and i feel depressed just thinking about it. This ha is just a lonely thing as people dont understand and just think here she goes again whats wrong with her now :-(

09-09-09, 12:05
I am exactly the same as you and have been experiencing the same sort of tingling in the sole of my right foot. It also sometimes feels as if there is a mobile phone vibrating under my foot. Like you my biggest fear at the moment is ms to the extent that last night I spent 2 hours on a ms discussion forum looking for peoples early symptoms of ms to compare my symtpoms with theirs.
At the moment I have stabbing pains on the left of my head, numbness in my right hand, dizzy spells and a vibrating foot! Oh yes and I feel exhausted most of the time but that could be down to the fact that I have 3 small children all of whom each wake at least once through the night. All of these symtoms indicate ms but also anxiety seems to mimc ms symptoms so really not sure which it is.

All I know is that I am very stressed at the moment and my shoulders and neck feel very tense and I'm hoping that all this is because of that. I have reading that taking a Vitamin B complex is meant to help with the tingles so am off to Boots today!


09-09-09, 12:10
its not even a vibrating and thats what makes me think im just zoning in on it, whilst i was out visiting my nan i didnt feel it once. Its so confusing because logically you probably know its nothing but then the sickening feeling comes back to you of what if this time it is.

09-09-09, 12:14
If it was something to worry about I'm sure it would be there all the time. Not just when you stop and think about it. I'm the same if I'm busy I feel fine but when I stop and sit still that is when the symtpoms start. What other symtpoms to you have at the mo?

09-09-09, 12:16
at the moment sciatic pain, twitching muscles and last week prickly feelings on the skin almost like wet patches. I get that many and think ive honestly had every ms symptom going without a period not getting them. Im so caught up in this ms thing it is taking over my life and the life of my hubbie. Doc has reassured me its not ms but as soon as he tells me im fine i get another symptom.

09-09-09, 12:30
I have just spoken to a friend who is an osteopath and she told me that lower back pain and sciatica can cause tingling in the buttocks, lower legs and feet. This is caused by pinched nerves in the cervical spine area.

Hope this helps and reassures you- it has done me!

09-09-09, 12:31
thanks so much xx

09-09-09, 12:37
Rebbeca hun

Remember that you have HA and that means that you should not trust your gut instinct unforuately with health issues. I think its called using emotional reasoning......im doing it today and having a really bad time.

Just cos you 'feel' that you have ms does not make it anymore likely in the slightest!!!

I get all of the symptoms too but i put it down to hiv...great!!!

I have had that vibrating foot twice last night.

Your alright sweetie really, just anxiety mimicking MS....thats the first thing i read when i looked up ms before that many many other conditions inckuding anxiety mimic it.


09-09-09, 12:43
Hi Lisa
Thanks so much.. I am new member and the very reason i came here is the fear of MS... I have had dizzy spells since last year..Suddenly fr past few days i am having weakness in one side of body that is right... I wne to a neuro and she doesn think its MS...
But i googled and ever since MS is haunting me.. My righgt hand feels so weak when i type on the keyboard..Then i have dizzy spells and then at times i feel so weak on my right leg as if it doesn exist..
Do u think i am worrying fr no reason or its valid???

09-09-09, 12:43
Hi Lisa
Thanks so much.. I am new member and the very reason i came here is the fear of MS... I have had dizzy spells since last year..Suddenly fr past few days i am having weakness in one side of body that is right... I wne to a neuro and she doesn think its MS...
But i googled and ever since MS is haunting me.. My righgt hand feels so weak when i type on the keyboard..Then i have dizzy spells and then at times i feel so weak on my right leg as if it doesn exist..
Do u think i am worrying fr no reason or its valid???

09-09-09, 12:50
thanks again everyone, its more of a tingle almost like its itching, could this still be anxiety, does anybody actually think that your mind can bring on physical symptoms?

09-09-09, 12:52
Hi Lisa
Thanks so much.. I am new member and the very reason i came here is the fear of MS... I have had dizzy spells since last year..Suddenly fr past few days i am having weakness in one side of body that is right... I wne to a neuro and she doesn think its MS...
But i googled and ever since MS is haunting me.. My righgt hand feels so weak when i type on the keyboard..Then i have dizzy spells and then at times i feel so weak on my right leg as if it doesn exist..
Do u think i am worrying fr no reason or its valid???

Aw Sia thats sounds awfull. I have lots of odd things like that too...it all depends what direction my anxiety is going .....what i mean is originally i was worried that i had thyroid cancer so them all the signs of anxiety were signs of that to me.....things like dry mouth and tightnes in the throat.....that was because the thyroid tumour was growing.....but when i realised there wasnt one, those symptoms became less prominant and others becasem more of an issue becuase i then started worrying about lymphoma...do you see what i mean? You have typical physical anxiety symptoms but you are obsessing over MS ( this is totally normal for a health anxiety sufferer!!) so you are focussing on the sensation symptoms and the neuroligical and motor sensations that occur with anxiety and taking them out of context.

If the dr has assured you that your problems are not MS and you have obvious health anxiety.....the obsessing bit gives that away....then sounds to me like your problem is Health anxiety and all the lovely symptoms that it brings!!!

Hope your feeling okay hun


09-09-09, 13:05
Well thanks Lisa

Actually the doctor dint even think it could be MS so dint ask me for a MRI..
She was so confident it is not MS..i guess that was nt enough for me to get comfort..
I just curse myself for googling my symptoms I would not have even known abt this disease...
Just tell me one thing how do i stop myself from thinking MS..And will I get tat disease because i am thinking too much abt it.. LAw of attraction stuff.. actually tats also freaking me ..
i am nt able to styop myself frm thinking
because i am thinking i am worried i will get one..

OMG i am gonna go mad

09-09-09, 13:12
Well thanks Lisa

Actually the doctor dint even think it could be MS so dint ask me for a MRI..
She was so confident it is not MS..i guess that was nt enough for me to get comfort..
I just curse myself for googling my symptoms I would not have even known abt this disease...
Just tell me one thing how do i stop myself from thinking MS..And will I get tat disease because i am thinking too much abt it.. LAw of attraction stuff.. actually tats also freaking me ..
i am nt able to styop myself frm thinking
because i am thinking i am worried i will get one..

OMG i am gonna go mad

Sia , if thinking something makes it more likey then you are a very powerfull person!!! Gosh dont you go thinking badly about me!!! But seriously that is a common anxiety prob..becuase you think things then they will come true or happen, its common with anxiety but it is absolute rubbish!!!

I am currently thinking that i will win the lottery...hhhmmmm I will keep you posted.

This is called 'magical thinking' in cBT.

You need to stop reacting to your anxiety about ms, you cant forget what you have read or ignore it right now becuase you have freaked yourself aand your brain is fixating on the info now. You have to consistently stop reacting to the anxiety and carry on with your normal activites. This is the only way to make your brain 'forget ' that you have read this. It wil work I promise.


Sorry rebbecca we have hijacked your post

Are you okay hun?


09-09-09, 13:14
eya hun, my legs and feet constantly 'buzz' like they are vibrating but i never notice them when out & about or with people i think its normal but we zone in on it, My boyfriend say he gets it all the time and he doesnt think twice about it. I have been awful today with my twitching & when i went to wash up my leg twitched when i was stood up and i burst in to tears. All my other twitches happen sat down so i kind of assume that as the muscle is relaxed it must be BFS now im scared :( x

09-09-09, 13:25
its ok hijack away lol, tash mine sometimes twitch whilst im standing also and i think everybody elses do to. Mine go mad as soon as i sit down, although twitching not been as bad lately or im not noticing it because im so worried of my tinging foot. lol.

09-09-09, 13:36
and tash by the way you may well have been standing up but you might have been putting weight onto your other leg so therefore the muscle was relaxed, cant believe im saying this but honestly dont worry if twitching was a sign of ms/als look how many people on here have it. xxxx hope your okxxxxx

09-09-09, 13:39
I had tingling and pins and needles last month.. I started to take multivitamins and they are gone..last month they were the reasoon fr me to worry abt MS ..but nw they dont bother me anymore..
Now i have one sided weakness..tats the latest and that has been freaking me out..My hands and legs feel weak..

10-09-09, 00:38
I get a vibrating type feeling in my feet every now and again and I dont have MS :) I think it is just a thing that happens and depends on how we sit and apply pressure on our legs. Also, could be a pintched nerve. Chiropractors are great for fixing that really quickly.

10-09-09, 03:04
Rebecca, the sciatic nerve goes all the way down to the feet. If it's any reassurance, I remember going to the doc a good 20 years ago with tingling in one foot that felt like a spring in my foot like someone said, a vibrating cell phone! It is coming from your back most likely. I am here 20 years later to tell you I don't have MS, ALS or anything else neurological.

On the same token, when my neck bothers me and a nerve is pinched, I get tingling in different fingers, depending on which disc is pressing on which nerve. So relax...don't worry..if it continues, you can always get an MRI to see what's going on. There are exercises that will stretch your back out and take the pressure off the nerve causing your tingling but I won't advise on this board. The doc will give you the exercises.