View Full Version : I feel like im stuck in a loop :(

09-09-09, 13:42
hello everyone ..

I'm new so forgive the length of this post but i wanna give you all some idea of my problem and hope to get some advice ..

My problem started when i was 15 i was on a regular visit to the dentist and for some reason that day my gag reflex was really bad . I have a phobia of being sick so this made that worst .. i began to panic which in turn worst again ... since then i have a real fear of dentist i have been a few times but each time the gag reflex is soo bad that it puts me in a panic that im going to be sick . they have even said its soo bad they cant do anything for me whilst awake . i was put to sleep for dental work once which was ok ..

Now though they are reluctant to put me to sleep for the past ten years because i have arterialschlorosis .. ?? so i got pregnant at 20 and since then my teeth became soo weak they would just break apart . but this fear of the dentist meant i just put up with it . just the thought of going dentist sent my head into a spin ..

All this is soo irrational . but i just cant help it.. anyway im 29 now . my teeth are now quite bad (the back ones anyway ) that ive suffered abscsses in the past .. for which i always run to my doc for anti biotics because i think the abscess is gonna poison my system and i constantly worry about that ..

so anyway to my present situation .. I have no toothache or abscesses at the moment however i have a lump in my throat pains in my neck and difficulty swollowing but no problem eating or drinking . Ive had this before and it just dissapeared .

So now the reason i feel im stuck in a loop is that Im soo terrified of going to the dentist and having anything put in my mouth which will make me sick . yet im also soo scared that this in my throat is cause by my bad teeth at the back . and is going to poison me ..omg each is as scary as the other ..

I realise this could be anxiety because i am the sort of person who when i get an ache or a pain i always think the worst . a leg ache to me is a clot . a headache a tumour etc etc ..

I hate seeing the doctors i always feel im wasting their time the number of times ive soo wanted to just call an ambulance but dont because i feel silly .

But i reluctantly went to the doc yesterday and was given beta blockers for what she says is anxiety she said my throat looks fine . she did bp. listened to my chest. temperature . all the usual ..

Im just so fed up of being scared all the time .

Any advice


09-09-09, 14:57
The lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing anything but food or drink I suffered with just last week actually, it's called Globus Hystericus and it's a symptom of anxiety, it's a horrible sensation.

I haven't been to the dentist in the 22 years of my life because I've always had a fear of being sick which people are usualy shocked at!

Getting given the medication might not be the best thing, I was prescribed diazepam which I use a crutch if I really need it, but the best thing is having the medication and having the courage to not take it when it comes to it, it instills me with a great feeling of strength and the power to overcome the problem. It may do the same for you if you think of it that way.

10-09-09, 12:34
Yes i can totally relate to what your saying regarding the pills .. I never take pills unless i really have to in fact before january i wasnt taking even pain killers . But then i ended up on statins and a contraceptive injection and to be honest ive never felt so ill .. so ive discontinued both of them . and now its just propanalol which were prescribed three days ago .. they dont seem to be having much effect though to be honest as i had a really bad night last night . so they might be for the bin as well..

ive always had anxiety and phobias just neve been treated for them before . i think thats whats getting me down i feel like ive failed myself by going for the meds . I really cant let this control me /my life like it did my mothers .

Thanks for your response . Im feeling a little better today :yesyes:

10-09-09, 16:52
i have anxiety as well but please calm down. this is soemthing a doctor should know about. you are fine, much of this is anxiety, please have hope in knowing that you are not alone.

10-09-09, 17:10
i have a simiual problem as you with going to the dentist. My anxiety trigger is being somewhere that i cant ecscape from or in a situation i cant escape from and being in the dentist chair is one of them. i feel like i cant move if i need too. it sounds really hard to do, but i always just go anyways. easier said than done i know. i found it relieved some of the anxiety when if i tell the dentist that i have this problem and i have to be able to get up if i need to.

as for the infections getting into your blood, you must have the same information i do. im 27 and still have my wisdom teeth, i cant get them out because im afraid if i get put under i will be one of the small percent of population that will not wake up from it. and i constantly worry when they start to hurt its going to get into my blood and heart. i have major heart fear issues.

someone else was saying something about not taking pills for anything, even headache pills, i get anxious about that too. lol even if i take vitamins i freak out. head ache pills, any kinda pill, as soon as i take it i think im having an allergic reaction to it.

10-09-09, 18:37
Thankyou ashlynyoyohelp . it does help knowing there are others and im not going mad ..:)

marilyn Im kinda scared i wont wake up as well but right now id be willing to take that risk . .. I would love to be able go to the dentist like normal people its just my gag reflex then they say ooo you will have to be put under bla bla .. its soo frustrating. now its getting to the point where im embarrassed to even go in and ask to be put under because they will think im some loser who just doesnt look after their teeth .. however i brush 4-5 times a day . mouthwash and floss at least three times a day ..

As for pills im deciding they cause more problems than they solve ... although id probably rip someones hands off for anti biotics right now just in case theres some nasty poisoning going on LOL ...

thanks for your responses they really do help . :)