View Full Version : doctors!

09-09-09, 14:10
Hello everyone,

I have another doc apt today, and have just beeen sitting here thinking about what im going to say to him, i have been to docs every few weeks for the past few months and think they must be getting fed up of me! i think basically i just keep going for reassurance!, i never seem to get enough from them! or come out feeling really stupid for going!! they keep saying oh its just the anxciety and stress etc, i have had ecg's and blood works done and a chest xray and they say my heart is fine (heart is the main thing i worry about) my worry is that they are going to get so fed up of me that when and if i do have something really wrong they not going to know cos they just put everything i feel at the moment down to stress and the panic attacks, i guess its like a cry wolf thing, i dont know if this makes sense to anyone, it makes semse in my head but its difficult putting it down on here!!!
Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?

09-09-09, 14:14
:hugs: I have been like this for a long long time:hugs:
I take a list with me - i have told my doc's that as long as they tell me that what i have on my list is NOT LIFE THREATENING then i will be OK (till next time...) usualy i am ok for a few days.
Best wishes

09-09-09, 14:14
I have the same problem . My heart rtae increses before i go so much so that soemtimes i cant breathe and its not because im scared of the outcome its because im scared they will think im silly and just fob me off .. I plan out what im goign to say but once there i just babble incessantly and they probably dont have a clue what im saying . lol ..

You could try write down all the things you wanna say because i always remember something as im leaving that i forgot then get in a state thinking well if they knew that the diagnosis may have been different ..

I only go to the doctors if i really have too . you have to try to find a good one a lot can leave you feeling worst about things than when you went in ..

good luck you definitly not alone .
kaikorcha3 xx

09-09-09, 14:23
I totally get what you have said ...I have trouble even going to the docs cos im so convinced that i have something terrible wrong with me, and that they are gonna confirm it. If i actually make it to the docs i do feel better i suppose, for a little while but then like you i start to question what they have said and im back to worrying again .... :shrug: :blush:

09-09-09, 14:45
We pay the docs to tell you nothing is wrong, and to reassure you when needed, so try not to worry about how often you use them for whatever reason.

My bet is, pre anxiety you hardly used the doctors at all, so now you're finally getting use out of them when you feel as if you need it.

09-09-09, 14:50
I hadn't been to the Doctors in 5 years until I developed pneumonia after a flu, since I got over the pneumonia about 6 weeks ago I've been to the Doctors eight times because of health anxiety.

Sometimes I feel a bit daft going again but I always try and see a different doctor if possible and well that's what they are they for so it usually doesn't bother me.

09-09-09, 14:52
thankyou everyone for your comments it means a lot to know im not going mad lol, and yeah your right i did hardly use the doctors before all this started! i guess this is all part of the process of getting better, because the more reassurance i get the easier it will be for me to accept thats all my symptems and worries are part of the anxiety and panic attacks!

09-09-09, 14:53
Iv just made a doctors appointment after a couple of weeks of feeling anxious getting really fed up of it and im hoping they can give me something to calm my nerves and im gonna get them to give me a physical which im a bit worried about.

sarah jayne
09-09-09, 19:04
Hi, im just like you. Ive been to the doctors lots recently and i always think that they must be fed up of me and i never come away happy. I sometimes feel that they must think that im wasting their time and feel embarrased having to go again but ive been so ill recently that ive had to. I hope your feeling better soon...x