View Full Version : Citalopram and migraines

09-09-09, 14:15
Has anyone else had anything like this,

Started getting migraines at perimenopause about 9 yrs ago, never really bad but classic ones with the aura, usually had about 6-7 a year, last year hardly any. Nov 08, put on 10mg daily citalopram for HA, then this year starting at beginning of Jan really nasty migraine, and since then have had quite a few, usually now having them in runs, ie 2-3 days in a row, each preceeded by the aura. Went to dr re this and was put on propranolol, and since then have had lots of visual migraines, sometimes 3 days in a row, then a break for a week, these are not followed by a bad headache, but sometimes a feeling of nausea. Went to Drs yesterday, and she says it is possibly due to the "possible final fling of my ovaries", and must admit fely quite PMtish last few weeks, or that the start of really nasty migraines seems to coincide with taking citalopram. BP is 120/65, am trying to stay positive and not worry, but friend freaked me out by saying that frequent attacks more at risk of stroke. Shoulders very tense, and am very aware that i clench my jaw a lot, and also have been eating 2 packets of extra strong mints a day, bit of an addiction to them there,and was wondering if they have an effect.If anyone can shine a torch in my general direction, my gratitude would know no bounds.