View Full Version : Back Again!!!!-

09-09-09, 14:15
Hi Everyone....I can't believe im back here again :-( Everyone on the site is sooo lovely but i really thought i was coping with my anx :weep: ) ...

I have been suffering with Jaw, neck Ear and throat problems off and on since a car accident three years ago with itchy ears and popping and tight muscles in my neck and shoulder and friends have said that it sounds like TMJ. But as usual, i am so convinced that i have something much worse going on in my throat that i won't go to the docs to check i out... i had noticed that when i was anx about it, the symptoms got worse (as they do :blush: ) and had told myself that it was my anx making it worse. I had even stopped myself from checking my throat everyday for redness and swelling, cos the slightest change would send me into a spirral of panic, but my symptoms have been worse and i checked my throat this morning and it is quite red on the side of my ear/jaw pain. OMG that immediately sent me into a full on panic attack that lasted for a couple of hours... im still realing from it now....
I am panicing about my throat and feeling like i'm not gonna be able to see the doc again cos im so terrified of what she is gonna say... im stuck in a downward cycle of fear and an being unable to face it. Im still taking the citalopram everyday but have been feeling increasingly hopeless of ever getting over this anx and to top it all Im now terrified that ive got something fatal again.
Sorry to rant on but if i tried to talk to anyone else about this, they would think i was nut job :blush:

Thanks guys

09-09-09, 14:34
:hugs: I seem to be saying this to every one - i do know the fear that you feel - BUT - your best way out of this is to see the doc. If there is anything wrong (sure there isn't) the sooner they deal with it the better.
And as soon as they say there is nothing wrong:yesyes: you can start to relax:yesyes:
Best wishes

09-09-09, 14:37
Okay so one side of your throat is slightly inflammed..so what does that mean?


09-09-09, 14:42
Okay so one side of your throat is slightly inflammed..so what does that mean?

Oh dear this will sound so horrid (sorry) I used to suffer tonsillitis BUT only on one side:blush: :blush: :blush: noo one ever knew why. and then it stopped.
Then again if you think about it you only get an itch on on hand:blush: not both at the same time - if you see what i mean:blush:
Best wishes