View Full Version : depression

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 17:41
I know ur all probably sick to death of see my threads today but i really feel like i cant cope with any of this anymore , my depression is really bad again , and my anxiety is soring through the roof , youve all been very good at answering my threads but i really feel this is not going to get better , i feel like ive lost my soul my personality and it just wont come back , im fed up of the panic , the agrophobia, the ocd, the anxiety and the depression how the hell im i going to tackle every one of them , mind you if i could get rid of the dizziness then i think i could tackle the others , im fed up with not wanting to c anyone (friends and family ) when they ring i dont feel up to talking ,why oh why cant i get over this and be yhe person i was :unsure:

09-09-09, 17:48

It will pass you are having a bad day
please dont give up hope you can get better, i was where you are and am now nearly free but i still have those "bad days"

Please try and keep the faith

Best wishes
