View Full Version : MRI Scan Side effect

09-09-09, 18:47
Has any one that has had a MRI scan had any side effects i am due to have one on Friday as i have a bad back but i made the mistake of googling and the side efffects have me really worried so much that i am thinking of cancelling the appointment

anxious elephant999
09-09-09, 18:54
what sort of side effects , ive had one on my brain and besides being super anxious and it being really loud ,i didnt notice anything and believe me if there had been any i would have noticed coz i notice any side effect there is im very sensitive you know ,my brother had one on his back he never mentioned any effects and my mum had a brain scan and she never said anything ither so i wouldnt worry , what is google saying are the side effects:ohmy:

09-09-09, 18:58
They said that you can have nausea, bad headaches, feelings of being very hot , very spaced out, confusion, one person said that it lasted for days
I know i should not google but once you read something it freaks you out

09-09-09, 19:54
I had one and felt fine i wouldnt pay too much attention to what google says they are perfectly safe.

09-09-09, 20:40
i had one and felt a bit quezie after but it was down to me being so scared, but as for side effects id say no and i normally get side effects to everything.

09-09-09, 21:22

Some of my friends have had mri scans and have had absolutely no after affects. Have your scan and I bet you say after it "what was I worrying about!"


11-09-09, 16:22
:) I've had 2 MRIs over the last few years, had no side effects and felt fine. Ignore what you've Googled it's a load of TOSH!!!

11-09-09, 16:29
ive had one done some months back,,,and im very wossy ,,but apart from being releived it was all over,,i was fine,,and if you were gonna get side effect id find them,,,i had side effects to my side effects you know,,,you,ll be fine :hugs:

11-09-09, 16:53
I've had numerous MRI scans for a bad back, It can feel uncomfortable and cramped, but I've never had any side effects. Just occassionally felt wobbly because your lying down still for 30+ mins or so. I don't like them but honestly never had any side effects. Hope that eases your mind.

11-09-09, 17:46
Hi , i had one 3 years ago for a back problem, apart from being totally shattered from all the anxiety, it was fine, no side effects at all, i actually found it airy and cool, not hot at all, i dont know if there was air con? i kept my eyes closed the whole time, and listened to the music in the headphones they give you, , it was all over in about 20 mins.

Keep your appointment, im sure it wont be as bad as what your expecting, good luck..


11-09-09, 19:37
I have had 7 mri scans over last 12 years and no after effects. During the scan you can feel very hot in the area being scanned - usually only affects body like abdomen scan rather than say head scan . I had this with a abdomen pelvis scan and it was rather hot but not unbearable but thats normal and goes away very quickly once scanner stops. This will be what google meant.

24-01-12, 17:26
Hi I have 3 MRI Scans and have suffered no ill effects at all. The staff are absolutely lovely and they put you in complete control. You can take a CD with you of your favourite music to listen to or they can play the radio through the headphones for you and they always give you a little hand held button to press at any point if you feel panicky. Knowing that you can press it and stop the procedure tends to make you feel in control and not panic. I have always been reassured that there will be no physical issues after and there never have been. Lots and lots of luck and best wishes for yours L