View Full Version : I need help please!!!

09-09-09, 19:19
Hello i'm 36yr female mother of 2 beautiful boys (also a smoker):weep: suffered with health anxiety now for the past 7 yrs!!! started to get over the health anxiety slowly untill Another symptom appeared HELP!!!!! i have had a lot of tests and scans and even had a camera down my throat a few yrs ago all came back showing acid reflux.
Over the last week i have had a terrible tickle in my throat it's there every waking moment of the day, i try to cough to shift it but it doesn't help at all if anything it makes me worse and if i take a deep breath i cough!!had a chest x ray a month ago that was clear.... but all i can think of is my poor uncle this is how it all started with him he had this dry cough and had it for months he even had chest x ray and it was clear and 6 months later he passed away with lung cancer:weep: :weep: :weep:...
I'm so scared also fed up of all this worrying that i do maybe it's me thats making myself ill!!!!
Just wondering if anyone else has these symptoms
would be soo grateful of some replies please
Sheila xx

09-09-09, 19:23

I have Acid reflux and what feels like a small lump when i swallow
i had this checked and it was due to the Acid doing something to the
Esophagus, had it now for about 4 years have just learned to live with it, somedays are better than others
I gave up smoking because of it 4 years ago as i too thought i had throat cancer

Sammy J
09-09-09, 20:32
Acid reflux is horrid, I've had it just over a year and it is making life hell. The throat problems have only just started with me, my problem is chest pains and upper stomach spasms. I've had the camera down too.

I also smoke but am now on patches to quit.. smoking (like caffiene) relaxes the oesophagus which makes reflux worse apparantly.

09-09-09, 20:45
Thanks Sammy i didnt know that about reflux im a heavy smoker and can drink up to 20 cups of coffee a day would certainly explain a few things

09-09-09, 23:47
hi i maybe feel it could be a globus hystericus,i have suffered and been very scared,it is a phantom lump although it dos'nt feel this way when you suffering it,it will pass mine took 10 weeks. Take care