View Full Version : Hi All :)

09-09-09, 21:46
I have suffered with GAD and panic attacks for all my life unfortunately. As a child and a young woman I was not aware that it was this but after a couple of sudden deaths including my young husband; severe panic and anxeity raised its ugly head.

I live in the UK where I underwent several courses in assertiveness, anxiety management and went thru cbt three times - but still I have it. I am very scared of meds, but take a betablocker everyday to stop the heart palpatations.

I am looking forward to helping and receiving help for my problems. I belonged to an online group before, which helped alot, but unfortunately closed.

best wishes and a anxiety free time to all!!


09-09-09, 22:16
Hi Sally,

I only joined this site today, but am already so moved by others experiences & comments.

Sounds as though you have been through alot recently; I'm sure you will get lots of support here. Everyone seems to understand & care about each other

Take care


10-09-09, 09:48
Hi Matt

Thanks for saying hello, it's nice to be welcomed:)

Can I ask if you have done any of the therapies I mentioned? They were all really good and I would recommend them to anyone, but it took me 5 years to get a referrall, it was only coming onto websites like this and finding out about them - then suggesting them to the dr - that I go to do them.

I hope you have a lovely day today Matt - Im a bit borderline and dreading the drive to work, which is one of my triggers!

best Wishes

PS :welcome: to you aswell :)

10-09-09, 09:51
Hi Sally welcome to the site

10-09-09, 10:53
Hi Sally

Welcome to the site, I was diagnosed with GAD 2 years ago and have now developed HA. I have had two courses of CBT which I found very useful. I have also listened to some NLP tapes which make you see the more positive side of everything. I might look into the other courses you mentioned as the more we know the more we can control whats happening.x

10-09-09, 11:15
Hi Sally,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

10-09-09, 11:31
Hi Sally,know exactly where you're coming from.

Veronica H
10-09-09, 11:40
:welcome: Sally. Glad that you have found us.


10-09-09, 12:19
Hi Sally,

Yes I have done some therapies. CBT, Hypnotherapy and tried alterative therapy like dowsing.

Personally I found CBT to be the most rewarding. I was too negative with the hypnotherapy, which in hindsight was a mistake.

It’s interesting about the car journey as being a trigger. For me, I hated the bus journey to work. The amount of times I got to the bus stop and just walked straight passed it… then ended up down a quite alley head in hands crying my eyes out.

Weird thing anxiety. But we’ll get their eventually. You can do it sally :)

Matt J

I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence about the bus situation, I’ve never told anyone before. This forum must be helping already. Thanks everyone.

10-09-09, 12:22
Hi Sally

Welcome i have only been on a few days but have found it very helpful and everyone is great

Best wishes

11-09-09, 00:43
Hi Sally welcome to the site

Thank you:) Just checking out the messages on here this morning helped a great deal, thank you:)


11-09-09, 00:47
Hi Sally

Welcome to the site, I was diagnosed with GAD 2 years ago and have now developed HA. I have had two courses of CBT which I found very useful. I have also listened to some NLP tapes which make you see the more positive side of everything. I might look into the other courses you mentioned as the more we know the more we can control whats happening.x

Hi Twotone

And thank you for the lovely welcome:) Im not sure if I mentioned the self assertiveness course? Thats also really helpful. Ask your doctor, they should know about them all, although my dr didnt and they were just upstairs in the mental health suite??? Tbh I will try anything to get better as I really hate being like this and I have my kids who I have let down so many times due to my anxieties.

I am looking forward to joing in the banter and learning and helping


11-09-09, 00:48
Hi Sally,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

Thank you Di for your warm welcome, I am definately looking forward to that:)

best wishes

11-09-09, 00:50
Hi Sally,know exactly where you're coming from.

Hi Fishman

Horrid isnt it? Looking forward to getting to know you all

best wishes

11-09-09, 00:51
:welcome: Sally. Glad that you have found us.


Hi Veronica!!

Thank you for taking the time to say Hi, looking forward to getting to know everyone better and on the way to healing ourselves:)


11-09-09, 00:54
Hi Sally,

Yes I have done some therapies. CBT, Hypnotherapy and tried alterative therapy like dowsing.

Personally I found CBT to be the most rewarding. I was too negative with the hypnotherapy, which in hindsight was a mistake.

It’s interesting about the car journey as being a trigger. For me, I hated the bus journey to work. The amount of times I got to the bus stop and just walked straight passed it… then ended up down a quite alley head in hands crying my eyes out.

Weird thing anxiety. But we’ll get their eventually. You can do it sally :)

Matt J

I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence about the bus situation, I’ve never told anyone before. This forum must be helping already. Thanks everyone.

Thats what I could do when I arrive at work!! I have to sit there for a bit and compose myself :roflmao: However, when I have actually done it, I feel kind of euphoric! When Im really bad I beat myself up about it - which I know we really shouldnt do as WE DID IT!!

Glad you shared Matt

best wishes

11-09-09, 00:57
Hi Sally

Welcome i have only been on a few days but have found it very helpful and everyone is great

Best wishes

Hi Marc

And thanks for the welcome, welcome to you too!! Ive come here as I need some support right now from people that understand. Its hard to share in the 'real' world sometimes as we can be misjudged/ So, I am looking forward to helping myself and others :)
