View Full Version : Have I had a mini stroke?

09-09-09, 23:38
I know I just posted on here last night worried about meningitis, but im worried I naw have had a mini stroke :'( last night, at like 5, I woke up, and felt seriously dizzy, but it was horrendous, worse than iv ever had before, I even got up and shouted my parents, I thought I was going to faint, also at the same time, my hands were tingling :'( the dizziness lasted about a minute but then when I tried to get back to sleep, if I kay on one side, I felt so dizzy I had to move im just reading this medical book I have, and it has like a flow chart system, and its pointed me to mini stroke :( im only 18 :'( it said its that, if your symptoms have passed, im terrified :'( however something did fall on my head earlier on yesterday, I dunno if thats related :s any advice would be much appreciated xx

10-09-09, 00:02
Have you seen the stroke adverts?

face fallen
arms not easily moved
speech slurred

If you are ok today then it is not a stroke and more likely a panic attack.