View Full Version : Death of a friend today has left me really shaken!

09-09-09, 23:47
I had some horrible news today that a friend of 15 years died early this morning from a severe asthma attack. He had suffered from bad asthma and excema from childhood wich had recenly been made a lot worse by depression and stress.

I feel such a mixture of emotions from numbness to tears and also a terrible fear that if this can happen to him then it could happen to me too. I feel so terribly sad - he was only 37. :weep:

09-09-09, 23:55
So sorry about your news. You are obviously in shock and therefore trying to process everything.

There is little somebody can say in a situation like this to make people feel better. You need to stay around people and try to talk. Dont isolate yourself at a time like this.

Thinking of you!!

09-09-09, 23:59
Hi Jo

So sorry to hear this news - I can understand how hard it is to lose someone so suddenly.

I recently lost a friend to bowel cancer as he has Crohn's which I have too and of course I start thinking the same as you that if he can die from it so can I.

We have to remember that we are all different, however, and just cos someone we know died of an illness it does not mean we will get it.

You need time to grieve and get through this. It will be a hard time and I understand how hard it is.

Thinking of you.

10-09-09, 00:16
Jo, just wanted to say I am thinking of you at this sad time. We can't know why these awful things happen but we can find some consolation in talking to others when they do. Don't keep things bottled up. Talk as much as you can about how you are feeling and with time things will get easier.

10-09-09, 00:21
Aww hun,

I can understand exactly what you're going through.

I had to go to my friends sons funeral last friday and he was only 23, it totally gutted my world, and quite frankly, it traumatised me, and still has.

But he had an illness and one i don't have, very much like your friend, had an illness you don't have.

It is so hard to keep things in perspective when we are so close to people we lose, but take such comfort from this...........we have each other on nmp that we can share these worries and fears with, and we can help each other through such very very difficult times.

The one thing that gave me such inspiration at my friends sons funeral was...............there was a young man there.....23 ..........same age........suffers the same illness, and he was so brave, doesn't mean he will die of the very same thing or at the same age.

Take some comfort from that.

And please feel free to pm me if you need to

my thoughts go to you, him and his family.

best wishes

di xx

10-09-09, 00:28
Dear Jo

I am so sorry for your loss. I also understand your mix of being extremeley sad and fearful at the same time.




10-09-09, 02:00
Hi ya Im really sorry to hear your bad news. Im thinking of you at this sad time.

10-09-09, 17:28
I am so sorry and will have you in my thoughts. I know how this feels as I just lost two of my closest friends in an accident this summer. It was wierd, but it actually made my anxiety better. I know theres never any right thing to say, but I hope you are well and I will send a prayer your way!

10-09-09, 22:20
Im so sorry:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

10-09-09, 22:51
Thank you all for your kind words. x

10-09-09, 23:00
I'm so very sorry for your loss Jo.

A sudden loss like this can make you feel vulnerable especially when it happens to a young person. Its perfectly normal and part of the grieving process to feel as you do.

Be kind to yourself, accept the feelings and eventually, you'll remember happier times with your friend

Take care


11-09-09, 00:57
hiya ,,,sorry to hear your loss,,,its such a shock to the system,,three years ago i lost my dear friend of thirty years , i cant say its got easier , but it is much more bearable, and like you say as the days go on you remember the good times,,i often find mysilf smiling when i look back on time we had together take care :hugs:

12-09-09, 00:57
Oh my what horrible upsetting news. Naturally you are bound to be shocked and feel all sorts of emotions. It will take time to process. :(

I am so sorry about this. My thoughts are with you petal xxx

12-09-09, 01:25
Im so sorry Jo ,how awful and sad .Sending you some big hugs and I hope you can remember the happy times you shared ,it will bring you comfort ,:bighug1: :bighug1: Luv Sue xxx

13-09-09, 01:06
Sending you lots of :hugs: Jo.


13-09-09, 08:17
Only time will ease the pain of loosing the closest.

Take care,

Really sorry about your loss.