21-10-05, 07:31
HI ,

I tried to get the results of my xrays yest as its been 3 weeks and I am so worried because i still have pain.
Last week i got a letter saying come to the hospital 25th Oct which freaked me out .I phoned them and said I am away then so they then booked me in for the end of November.
As its been 22 days since my xrays I am hoping its the case of no News is good news but still feel the horrible panic about it all.


21-10-05, 09:40
Try to relax I'm sure it nothing to to worry no new's is often good new. keep think that way.

Positive thinking. keep it up.

21-10-05, 12:57
Hi Mirry

I am sure if there had been some problem with the x-rays they would have called you back sooner.

This is most likely a case of no news is good news.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-10-05, 14:08
Its a real pain , this insistence to go back to hospital for formal results even when all is well.

One of my neighbours is severally physically limited . He had to go for a scan which he went to by ambulance transport.

I went to take him to the appt and he really just couldn't get settled in my car and mine is the biggest of all of us around him, so I ended up ringing and postponing the appt for him.

We asked the surgery practice manager to call the consultant to get the results and explained it was to save a very painful journey.

The request was refused 'as the doctor needed to discuss the results with him', which scared us all, and another appt was issued so earlier this week we set off again.

I had to stop several times on the way for repositioning and eventually we got there, found the clinic and waited a further hour.. He was fractious, in dire pain and very scared.

In he went , I paced up and down and he was out in under 2 mins - all completely clear.

I went in and told the consultant my opinion on the system in no uncertain terms and what a complete fiasco it had all been .. I was not amused.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 16:54
try not to worry (easier said than done) but as the others said, it's probably nothing to worry about and if it was serious they'd have gotten in touch sooner. Are you going away or was it cos of the panic you cancelled?

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."