View Full Version : waking up fast feeling shaky and nervise after trying to fall asleep?

10-09-09, 07:19
i stay up all night until 6 to wait on my boyfriend to come home from work before i go to sleep, and uselly sleep with him until 3 30 that evening when he goes to work again, but sometimes during the night i guess around 1 or so i sometimes fall asleep for just like a few minutes not long and feel odd..like nervous feeling and scarred and like shaky inside all over..and it last for like a few seconds and its gone, it worry's me it only uselly happens when i fall asleep earlier than uselly sometimes, doesn't happen all the time, is it because i sleep all night and im not really tired enough yet because when he comes home around 6 i fall asleep fine uselly....help.:unsure:

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 11:17
i get this everytime i try and go to sleep in the day but not when going to sleep at night , dont know why this happens ,do you suffer with anxiety like me

10-09-09, 13:38
I have had this when i wake up with a sudden jolt and start shaking and having a panic attack. It sounds like brain zaps to me which is all to do with anxiety and if you google "brain zaps" it is nothing to be worried about or nothing serious.