View Full Version : Drop Out Of University?

10-09-09, 07:56

I've just begun my 2nd year of my foundation degree and I'm really not enjoying it. I'm waking up everyday having a panic attack or close to it. My tutor and some lecturers know of my anxiety as I had a presentation last year but refused to do it.

There's a work experience module where you have to give a presentation on your placement, this is really putting me off staying but if I leave I don't know what I would do with myself. My Dad would pressure me into getting a job, he dosen't understand my anxiety which makes it worse.

I'm only really on this course because I have nothing else to do...

Does anyone have any experience of this or can someone give me some advice on what I should do?

Many Thanks

Dani x

10-09-09, 10:29

I wouldn't quit, because it might just be a bad spell that you can get through, and you might regret it later down the line if you quit.

Can you switch the degree to part time? this would be allot less demanding. Have you looked at other courses? maybe you've just found out that the course isn't for you. Have a word with learner support or the equivalent before you make a decision.

Good luck.

10-09-09, 11:52
Hi Dani,

From my own experience, I regret not continuing with education after I left school at 16. I thought that my anxiety would subside if I came out of the education environment into a job, but it didn’t work out that way… L

The one thing that I find useful is to write down a plan/list. I don’t mean huge steps at first, but just things like maybe arrange appointment with my GP, chat to a friend about my issues. Basically, I find it helpful to be able to ‘see’ in writing what I have done or am planning to do.

My problem is that I struggle to open up to people and fully explain what’s going on in my mind. When I have done it, I have felt pleased and at ease that finally someone knows what I’m going through. So talking is important.

Take Care, and remember….. You can get through this. Everyone on here believes in you. J
