View Full Version : Panicking about menopause article

10-09-09, 09:16
I think my recent onset of anxiety/panic is connected with perimenopause. I've felt particularly bad the last few days which coincided with my period, which makes me believe it is hormonal.(my anxiety is stopping me getting to the doctors to confirm it, but anyway they'll probably just suggest HRT or anti depressants which I don't want to take.) Well this morning there's an article in the paper about a woman who suffered anxiety, mood swings so badly during the menopause, she committed suicide. This has really sent my panic sky high, am I going to end up like her? I know these thoughts are irrational but they won't go away.Please help.

10-09-09, 12:10
Please, is anyone out there with any reassuring words?

10-09-09, 12:15
no love unless you have had suicide issues before it does not seem likely that you would go down that road too. I too have just started my menopause and have found my anxiety has sky rocketed i do not wish to take ad and can't take hrt as i am awaiting an operation so my doctor advised me to look on the net for dietary advice for menopausal woman and i have found loads of articles and will admit since upping my soya intake i now use that bugen soya and linseed bread and use soya milk and yoghurts and spreads i have over the last 8 weeks noticed quite a difference in myself. I also suffer nausea in the mornings which is hormone related too ....urgh !!! when feeling anxious i just keep telling myself that this is just a normal reaction to a normal female event that won't last forever...but you certainly have my empathy !!!! from kath x

10-09-09, 14:08
Hi Kath thank you for your post, that's very interesting about soya - I shall try that. There are so many things to try and so many conflicting reports it's difficult to know where to start, so it's good that you've actually found something which seems to have made a difference. I never realised hormones could be so powerful. I always thought I'd be able to cope with the physical symptoms, hot flushes etc but it's the anxiety which is the debilitating thing.

10-09-09, 14:38
I have perimenopause, mine started last year, during the worst of my anxiety. I can tell you from my experience that I didnt feel like killing myself. It does mess with your hormones, but there are things you can do the relieve it. I cant have HRT until my period totally stops, I am down to 3 hours now. Lucky me.. The worst I have experienced so far is the hot flashes. I wont take HRT because of my fear of meds but my doctor said that my symptoms of perimenopause will be about the same as PMS. There are some days that are worse than others and I just go in my room and close the door and listen to music or read. Please remember that there are many symptoms to this and not all woman will experience them all. There are some that sail through the change and there are some who feel them all. Hormones are the worst. I really believe it is all in the way you go into it. Take care and let me know if I can help.

Cell block H fan
10-09-09, 16:51
I think my recent onset of anxiety/panic is connected with perimenopause. I've felt particularly bad the last few days which coincided with my period, which makes me believe it is hormonal.(my anxiety is stopping me getting to the doctors to confirm it, but anyway they'll probably just suggest HRT or anti depressants which I don't want to take.) Well this morning there's an article in the paper about a woman who suffered anxiety, mood swings so badly during the menopause, she committed suicide. This has really sent my panic sky high, am I going to end up like her? I know these thoughts are irrational but they won't go away.Please help.

Do you know how your mother went through the menopause, because apparently it can have a big bearing on yours! All women go through it differently. Just like we do periods! My period symptoms, will be unique to anyone elses.
My mum had light periods, & a fairly trouble free menopause. So I'm hoping mine will be the same. But I'm actually looking forward to the menopause! I hate having pmt, & I dont want anymore children. I want it all to stop.
I do get problems with hormones, so maybe I will have a bad menopause. But atleast I will be a step nearer to it all being over! Thats how I'm looking at it anyway.