View Full Version : is this normal

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 10:10
after changing meds 2 weeks ago i was put on escitralopram the first week at 5mg the second week at 10mg and this week 3 days ago up tp 20mg , ive gone so low where i darnt get out of bed and so anxious i really am very depressed should this happen or is this just a sign saying that these meds arnt going to work :ohmy:

10-09-09, 10:47
Hi there

I started on escitralopram about 4 weeks ago, I immediately felt better on 5mg, but once I went up to 10 starrted to feel, weird...!!! lifeless, depressed. I know you should stay with it because the side effects will wear off but I decided to go back down to 5mg, am not anxiety free on 5mg but still feel a lot better than I did. Will increase to 10mg eventually but hated how it made me feel. Hang in there.x

10-09-09, 18:00
wow i just went straight onto 20mg, you are just increasing gradually and it takes time for antidepressants to work properly, please give them a chance. Citalopram is good, least side effects of all anti depressants I was told. I don't think it's a sign that the tablets aren't going to work. I have changed antidepressants 3 times in last two months and the change can have effects too, so give it a little longer before you give up on the tablets x

10-09-09, 18:01
Meds do work but can take sometime to fully kick in. You have to help yourself as well as taking them though they are not a miracle cure.

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 18:09
i dont even know why ive gone onto these meds i tried them last year and they didnt do anything for me but thought id give them another go and my mood has dropped dramatically and im havivg more anxiety attacks

10-09-09, 18:11
Have you tried anything else together with your meds to help distract from the anxiety you experience?

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 18:26
like what ?ive had group theropy but that didnt work ,ive tried loads of meds, ive tried disracting myself with housework or computer but nothing seemsto work for me,ive tried reading but this just makes my constant dizziness worse im so scared of the dizziness thats what makes me more anxious

10-09-09, 18:28
Have you tried distracting yourself via concentrating on other people I find thinking about other people helps me greatly stops me feeling sorry for myself as I often feel I can become self obsessed with my anxiety and ignore the needs of those around me that I care about.

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 18:33
Yer ive tried that toi have a 10 year old daughter and my husband had to give up work coz i cant look after her properly i do try thinking of her and hubbbie and my mum and dad coz they worry about me too , but i feel that ill that i cant do anything for them :ohmy:

10-09-09, 18:35
Sometimes we should look at what we have in life than things we dont have or might have such as terrible illness's and so on and concentrate on those important things. Your very lucky to have a family that care about you enough to give up work and so on.