View Full Version : Trying to get over that dreaded morning feeling.

21-10-05, 09:32
The worst part of the day for me is the morning. I seriously cannot drag myself out of bed, I lie there and think how crap its gonna be when I get outside, the dizziness, edginess etc. My body aches from the previous days tension.

Lately Ive been wasting money on taxi's to work as I can't face getting two buses feeling like s**t.

Just wish this would all end. [V]

22-10-05, 22:00
I hate getting up some days if I'm bad. I walk where I have to go usually so I just walk along feeling slightly cold and like a patient.

23-10-05, 10:09
Hello There,

And I thought I was the only one to think like this! I hate the morning! I lie in bed going through all the symptoms I could possibly get and strat feeling every singl eone of them! I drag myself to the shower and by the time I am out, I am convinced that this is going to be my last day! :)

I also have been spending a fortune on cabs insteda of taking the dreadede bus! It's terribly isnce the cab takes EXACTLY the same route as the bus, but I just pay ten quid more!

I think it's all about being positive and looking forward to the day that is ahead- i know it may sound real corny, but if i wake up "looking forward" to the day ahead, my symptoms just don't show up and I actually take the bus!

It's hard for me to still do- most mornings I think I wake up like you are now- but slowly.. and by being alittl emore positive, some days are pretty good...

Just wnated to let you know that I am in pretty much the same boat as you, but that with time.. and a hell lot of patience... you'll be able to take th two buses+ :)


april tones
23-10-05, 10:52
i know what you mean. its just getting dresssed then stuff ready dreads me and i have a 2 yr old son!xx understand
