View Full Version : Why am i so scared?

10-09-09, 12:54
Hi all, i suffer from bad anxiety and sometimes its totally irrinational, (sorry about spellings) so on Monday i was watching the news and this lady killed her 2 daughters and it freaked me out big time, normally things like this just pass me by if you know what i mean and i dont think any thing of it, but my anixety was high and it made it terrible, i thought OMG how could she do this and would i be capable of doing something like this? it was not my thoughs it was after seeing this. I have never hurt anything or myself and i know i would not, but im now terrified of my doubt to even think that i could think such a thing. My anxiety is mega high and i keep crying :weep::weep: I know it will get better in a few days and i need to let it go.

DO any of you think like that sometimes and it scares the hell out of you?

I dont know if i have explained it right, i know what im doing/thinking etc im just anxious to think about it, like would i ever lose control, and everyone said no and my CPN said the same thing, that its just anxiety and its irrinitional thinking thats all and it will pass.

Please reply, but please no scary storys :)

10-09-09, 12:59
Hi Katy

I get triggers from the TV too, cant wach any hospital programmes if i see a heart it triggers the anxiety that i will have a heart attack
Irrational as it may be the feeling of fear are real but they do pass
Hang on in there

11-09-09, 12:21
anyone else :(

11-09-09, 12:23
Yeah im the same, my girlfriend watches medical programmes like House etc and it does my head in and sets me off, i have to put my headphones on and listen to music

11-09-09, 12:29
Hi Katy, your not alone! I stopped reading newspapers for that reason! At the end of the day your going through anxiety, it'll get better but at your worst you will feel like this. I've been absolutely convinced I was losing my mind at points but in reality you don't have anything to worry about. There are some horrible things going on in the world, try to to dwell on them, just turn the telly over if its something negative. I find spongebob is usually a safe bet ^.^

11-09-09, 23:27
I can react the same way to Stories like you mentioned in the newspaper or even health stories. When it first started happening I would not look at a paper and would not even watch TV. Even movies that I know are not real would upset me.

Its like your mind is testing you. I know it is very upsetting and I think it is one of the worst symtoms. It does get better though. I now read the papers and watch TV.

Its all about what if's. What if I did this or did that. You never do though you just worry about it.

12-09-09, 15:02
Hi there, i am exactly the same, i get anxious about everything ad anything to the extent if i read or watch something im not reading about someone else its like im reading it has happened to me.
also when i walk home with my daughter if she starts running down the pavement i have an overwhelming fear i car will hit her backing out their drive, i seem to pick every imaginalbe situation and i think the worse, my brain never turns off.
Im turning my best now to distract myslef and try to relax but its hard but i do know how u feel