View Full Version : Help really scared

anx mum
10-09-09, 12:56
Hi dont know what 2 do. Just got out of hospital been getting severe headaches for 3 weeks now really scared as keep thinking its a brain bleed as my mum died from one 3 years ago. All my tests have come bk normal just dont understand whats going on. Please help:weep:

10-09-09, 14:38
Hi anx mum (hopefully its Bev)

I understand how u feel i'm the same with my heart as my nan died of heart attack, these fears cloud our judgment. You will be fine the hospital would not have sent you home if they had any concerns. I get the most awful headaches that scare me but have been told its another symptom of the dreaded anxiety You have had the tests and they were normal. Just try and relax have a nice soothing bath and drink plenty of water as i was told not drinking enough makes headaches worse. U will be fine xxxxx Take care xxx

10-09-09, 15:59
Hi there, am so sorry that you are still struggling with those headaches. are you sure that the headaches are maybe from the tension bc of the anxiety? I know how difficult it is to relax esp bc your mom died from a bleed.Just remember that just bc she had a brain bleed it does not mean that you will too!! xxxxx

sarah jayne
10-09-09, 16:17
Hi there ! Ive been having terrible headaches daily for nearly a month. I was admitted to hospital on tuesday where they did tests and they were all fine. They said they thought it was a virus and to rest and drink plenty of water. It didnt work and like you i was very anxious and went back to the doctors today. My doctor now thinks its either referred pain from my neck ( i have 3 slipped disks) or a tension headache. He said hes certain its nothing serious or the tests would have picked it up. Try to relax and drink plenty of water, have they prescribed you anything for them ? Im on diclofenac sodium 50 mg and strong cocodamols xxxxxx

10-09-09, 16:53
Hi all,
i really feel for you and i hope that you all get some respite soon.
Many years ago when my panic and anxiety first started the headaches i go twere unreal, i had never known pain so bad it used to cripple me, i went to the doctors so many times wiht what i assumed was something very sinister, a brain tumor and all sorts, even diagnosed myself with migrains, but eventualy i tried some simple Syndol from the chemist and i have to say they were a revelation, i'd say after taking the first 2 my head ache went, anyway i told the doctor this and he explained that what i was suffering was indeed severe tension as a resuly of my severe panic and anxiety state and said the best cure was relaxation blahh blah blah, i was like yes yes i hadn't thought of that myself (silly man), anyhow i decided to take the plunge one day and get a profesional massage and i have to say there was nothing better for me, it worked so well, i wasn't forced to relax as i had told them i found that impossible but they just let me sit up while the really pressed hard on my shoulders and base of neck, and altho it hurt at the time it did lift the tension which allowed me to be free from the awfull nightmare of those headaches.
Now i'm licky i have a partnet who is an expert at massageing my neck so i rarely suffer so maybe massage or syndol is something you could try? i know it's not the best comfort but i lived through what i concidered a life threatening illness and i know you will too, if you could only allow yourself to see that it is a tired mind making the headaches so bad.
Hope your all ok
Sharon :)x

anx mum
10-09-09, 16:57
Thanxs sharon could b too much slingo. Whats syndol for is that migrines?