View Full Version : A Bad bad day

10-09-09, 13:56
Hi all, well i am having a crappy day. For the past 2 months my arms have ached everytime i lift them above my head its like a deep burning pain in my shoulders and top of arm. Things like putting the washing out or putting my mascara on is when i feel it or doing my hair. My son is 25lbs and i do a lot of carrying but lately its much less. Went to a ciropractor & he said there was nothing wrong with my back so had a sports massage and he said all the muscles were tight and it was extreamly painful. Im so scared this is ms as its preventing me doing things so surely that is weakness? My legs hurt all the time and feel wet & when i walk it feels like my legs might just give way i can feel the muscles trembling all the time. Im so worried :(

10-09-09, 13:59
and of course the twitchimg all the god dam time

10-09-09, 14:00
Sounds like anxiety, anxiety can cause muscular pain/tightness. I too suffer from twitching im so tense.

10-09-09, 14:09
Hi tash sorry you having such a hard time today, please please please go and see your doctor and ask him to give you something or even just to talk to him, maybe he could send you somewhere? You really dont have to struggle through on your own. As you know i to suffer from everything you are describing and start therapy on monday myself which i may add i am a little nervous about. Have you found that all the other symptoms have come about since you started worrying excessivley over MS?

10-09-09, 14:14
hi rebecca yeah i saw my doc ages ago & i dont like him so i dont really want to go back. Plus im too stubborn to see anyone lol. as i now know the symptoms of ms when i get one it scares the crap out of me when before i would have ignored it. :( x

10-09-09, 14:15
Hello tash,

I honestly believe your problems are caused by anxiety; for many months now you have been suffering from a huge amount of stress, and I think your whole body is full of tension.

Very often when I have been stressed I have carried a lot of tension around my shoulders and neck area, and it becomes very painful, and is particularly noticeable when holding arms up, because as you can imagine all the shoulder muscles are used, and the discomfort can radiate to the muscles at the top of the arms. You might notice that you walk around with shoulders slightly raised, this is typical when feeling anxiety, we often don't realise we are doing it, and this causes tightness. I find it helps to consciously relax the shoulders and gently roll the neck from side to side and also in circlular motion; if you can do this several times a day I am sure you will find it helps to loosen up.

Twitching of muscles is also so very very common with stress, and something I and many other people with anxiety suffer from. I know it is disconcerting, and I was really worried about it when I first had it, but try your very best to accept it for what it is - in time you will learn to feel more relaxed about it, and I am sure it will slowly improve.

I do hope you will feel less worried soon, and will find a way to accept all that you are experiencing is classic signs of anxiety. Wishing you well soon xxx

10-09-09, 14:20
is there another doc in the surgery you can go to? honestly the relief you will feel when you walk out the door and he has put your mind at rest. The only way you are going to feel better is to face it head on and make yourself go to the docs. From my many visits to the ms sites i have learned that ms presents itself with 1 or 2 symptoms which hang around and then dissapear for maybe 6 months 1 year etc. They do not jump around after a few days at a time. You would have some let up in between and its sounds like myself you are constantly having symptoms. I wish i could pluck up the courage to go for an mri but i just cant at the moment. Pm me if you want but please go and get help if only for the sanity of yourself and your family, you are obviously not enjoying life to the full.

I was at a soccatots class with my baby son today and i had to pay 14 weeks in advance, the first thing that came into my head was in 14 weeks i maybe in a wheelchair or blind i mean how ridiculous is that. So you are not alone in your worries. xxxxx

10-09-09, 14:29
also tash it was not long ago that you was worried and convinced you had als, your worries have now switched that should tell you something that yo are so worked up and anxious you are noticing every little sensation. You are disease hopping now you know you definatley have not got als you have switched and you are sure you have ms, the truth is yo have neither and you are absolutley fine xxx chin up and look forward to the weekend xxx