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View Full Version : URGENT help needed, having bad day.

10-09-09, 14:00
Hi all,
Still new to all this but don't know where else to go. I have an ant phobia but yesterday was doing OK, then I found a beetle walking on my chair and thought it was a cockroach, spent hours trying to find it on the internet, ended up having a diazapan to calm down, today I woke up all on edge, shoulders so tense can hardly move them, headache etc,etc. Been out was OK, but come back home and found 1 of them things (a***) upstairs, Logically I know it must have either been of my shoe or crawled through the window, which I'd left open. But I just feel like crying again, please can any one help I feel so low and if it wasn't for my son and husband I'd take the tablets know, I really hate myself and just want to die!

10-09-09, 14:30
I am sorry you are having such a hard time right now. Try and remember that they cant hurt you. Remember to breathe right and keep focused. What is it about the bugs that scares you so much? Maybe if you can find out what scares you so much about them you can remedy it.I do know the feeling though because it is how I feel about mice. Next time you see one try and not focus on it no matter how bad you want to. Try to keep walking past it and breathe maybe have a glass out water. You can do this.:hugs:

10-09-09, 15:07
I think the problem is when there in my house, I feel like there invading and don't feel safe. I've had hypnotherapy which helped but then seemed to open up old memeories, unfortunately I've had a lot go wrong in my life and the ants are just the final straw, I know they won't hurt me, but I just hate them, and can't stop looking for them, doesn't help that were having nice weather and my sons at school so I'm all alone. Anyway I'll just keep going on I hope I'll feel better because I hate this person I've become.