View Full Version : little lights

10-09-09, 14:57
I just got back from the dentist ,when he was putting the chair back i seen loads of twinkly lights,im terrifed im now going to faint???please help

10-09-09, 16:53
sometimes when you stand up too quickly you get "twinkly lights" It was probably the same thing. Think it's to do with blood pressure but perfectly harmless. If you were going to faint I'm sure you would have done it then. I don't worry too much about fainting as I wouldn't remember anything about it anyway! Try and relax - the worst part is over - visiting the dentist!!

10-09-09, 18:38
If you did not faint then, you are not going to faint now Sam. It is quite common and may have had to do with balance, head going back too quickly, anxiety or a bit of all three. Really you are fine now so try to relax. XX