View Full Version : Advice

Mr A
10-09-09, 15:13
Hi everyone, hope you’re all ok. Be most grateful on any advice. Having been prescribed Citalopram, 20mg the other day, when I took one, some time later, god knows what was happening to my body, my head hurt, I felt really sick & dizzy etc, etc, etc. I’m sure I saw two people on TV too when there was only one. Anyway, after that, I thought I’m not taking another tablet, I just can’t & I throw yesterday’s tablet away. But late last night, I took another to see what happens & woke up today feeling a little sick & a headache. (Not as bad as the first one), I took an Ibroprofen for my headache & now, I don’t feel too bad, except a little dizzy as I have eaten – I couldn’t even keep a piece of toast down either, I just drank milk. The logical thing is to carry on with the tablets, I guess, but, I get this bad feeling about them – I don’t wan to be stuck on them etc. Any advice please.

Thank you & hope you all have a good day as well,


10-09-09, 16:26
Hi Andrew..i started citalopram and i am now on my forth day just 10 mgs my script was 20mgs but my anxiety levels went "sky high" this appears to be my main side effect....sickness yes but i can cope with that.
I will give them a few weeks to see if they help.


Mr A
10-09-09, 16:54
Thanks Nik - take care,


Mr A
10-09-09, 17:24
Hi Nik, forgot to say earlier - good luck, best wishes & hope the meds work for you - take care,


12-09-09, 22:47
Hi Mr A :hugs:

How are you feeling now?

I'm not medically qualified, but when I first started taking cit., I was prescribed 10mg for about 7-14 days, to help me get used to it; and I felt side effects, so I'm wondering if 20mg a day is perhaps a bit of an extra shock to the system. I'm sure other forumers here will have more info about this though :D

I know everybody is different in terms of how they react to taking medication, but I can empathise with what you were saying in your post; for me, feeling sick, and getting bad headaches were 2 main things I had to deal with. Fpr a few weeks I kept being bothered by feelign nauseous, which turned into mnore of an 'upset'/unsettled feeling and things like indigestion, but it did pass, and I stuck to really plain foods, little and often. It does feel like hard work to put up with it, but I hope the meds start to settle down and kick in for you soon :hugs:

12-09-09, 23:16
I agree with Budgie^ - you may be better off with half a tab till your body gets used to it and go up to 20mg after a week or so... But l'm no doc either, so have a chat with your GP if you can.

I too hated the idea of being stuck on medication but you have to weigh up the pros and cons. Sometimes side effects from medications are better than feeling like s***...

Good luck!

mum to three
13-09-09, 01:23
Hi Mr A

Like yourself i have started on 20mg for the first time and i am suffering quite badly with side effects ie dizziness, spaced out, headaches, intense anxiety but i am determined to see it past the first few weeks as these seem to be fairly common side effects that do subside once the tabs start working properly. Good luck & take care x

14-09-09, 09:51
Hi Andrew , I've just registered after viewing the forum for a week or so , I've found it very helpful.
I'm now on day 15 of 20mg Citalopram , The first few days were difficult , I completely lost my appetite and couldn't taste anything.I had a constant but bearable headache,insomnia,frequently passing water and my stomach was very unsettled.
I'm feeling much better now and even had a glass of red wine with my meal last night , I hadn't touched a drop for 3 weeks,completely went off alcohol despite being a regular moderate drinker for over 35 years!
The only side effects I'm experiencing now is a loss of my libido which seems a fairly common side effect with this drug and I'm sweating quite a lot when I walk or when asleep in bed.