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10-09-09, 16:06
Hi Im a 30 year old male who until recently didnt realising I was suffering with anxiety but all of a sudden it has got worst?
Im not sure what has triggered this or why but its here and its getting worst!
I think it is because - 4 years a ago I got food poisoning when whilst travelling in thailand it was really bad and I ended up in hospital. Since returning to the UK Ive had bad bowels and lots of diarhea, feeling dizzy, faint , hot flushes etc.. and this has gone on for ages I went to the doctors I they said IBS!! - so they have tried me on lots of IBS medicine but to no effect - I went back for lots of bloodtests, urine, ecg, colonoscopy etc

And they said I had a Carcanoid tumour due to high levels of 5HHT in my urnine - this relly messed me up and has caused me all sorts of stress I had to inject myself 3 times a day in the stomach with medication and had further CAT scans etc!

The long and the short of it is they said I needed an operation to remove some of my bowel but I wasnt happy so I got a secong opinion from a specialist I found on the web in London they did further test's and I THANK GOD - I havent got this tumour - this was back in March this year since then Ive been feeling pretty good but still having these symptoms.

Diarhea, hot flushes, anxious, dizzy - earlier this year I totally freaked out on the tube I was a mess Pale nervous I ran 3 miles to mile hotel room I was so bad my girlfirend had to come and get me from London so I could get home I thought I needed to go to A&E!! - Obviously at the time I thought it was part of this carcanoid illness now Im thinking its a Panic attack.

Since then I have struggled to go on public transport - I havent been back on the tube (prior to this episode no problems) buses, trains, planes anywhere the door shuts Im in panic - not sure if I panic that I need a toilet Im going to be bad or I panic I dont have control - I just go hot havd a red face and tingle alot and feel the urge to get off,

Recently it has become worst but Ive been riding it out!! - whats worst is I have flashbacks and memory's of being ill in the past which is usually before going on holiday & arriving on holiday which has been so bad I always thought it was the IBS/mystery illness but now Im thinking it was ANXIETY!

I've been on DOSULEPIN for 3 months starting on 75mg then up to 100mg as its meant to chill me out and constipate me which would be a great help - in the begining I thought it was making me better but recently Ive been having bad boughts of diarhea and feeling more anxious for no aparent reason! - My Doctors has upped me to 150mg a night to help me sleep but in the last week my anxiety, voices in my head, panic and just constant worry has become to much - hence why I found this site!!

Sorry its a bit Long winded but oh my god writing that has made me feel better- has anyone else had any similar experiences - How do I get through this?

10-09-09, 16:45
Hi there,

Sounds like you've had a tough deal you poor thing. This website has loads of useful advice on it so have a good read. Also when you read other peoples stories it makes you feel far less lonely. Are you having any counselling?


10-09-09, 16:49
Hi Thanks for your kind words - reading other peoples story's do help - Im not currently having any counselling? would you recommend it?

10-09-09, 17:17
Your very welcome! I know how you feel when you just don't know where to turn. I have only just started CBT but loads of people on here swear by it. x

10-09-09, 17:22

Having CBT myself at the moment and i find it really helps
I also get sweats, Trembles, dizzy and also had a panic atack on a tube train and had to get a cab home so know how you feel
Best of luck