View Full Version : Tinitus

Cell block H fan
10-09-09, 16:25
Does anone know anything about this? My mum has had it for years, but its getting worse. She's really worried about my brother at the moment, so I expect thats made it worse. I heard somewhere anxiety can exagerate it? But the doc is sending her for a proper scan (she had an ear one years ago) because she is now getting an ache behind the eye on the side she gets Tinitus & its only really in one ear, which apparently is a bit unusual?
What causes it & is there anything that can be done? It keeps her awake at night.

10-09-09, 18:45
Not too sure about this but I have tinnitis in one ear only and that is because that side was constantly subjected to loud noise in the work environment. Mine is sometimes really bad and at other times less intrusive. Sadly I do not think there is a cure for it. Sorry can't be of more help. XX

10-09-09, 18:53
i have it too, not as bad as used to though. ive been working at a printing plant beside big presses for 6 years, im in the office now though. its really annoying when you are trying to sleep and its all you hear. so i listen to light music on my headphones

Cell block H fan
10-09-09, 18:59
I did suggest she should get used to sleeping with the radio on quietly? As I assume its worse when its really quiet.
So it can get better then Marilyn?

10-09-09, 20:32
I get it mainly in my right ear, GP said not to worry.