View Full Version : Whats happening to me? (long post, sorry)

10-09-09, 16:43
i am suffering with suicidal depression because i have had strange feeling in which everything seems to be in a movie, i lose sense of time, and cant regonize my voice. i get raging headaches, naseua, muscle aches, strange stabbing pains in my head and chest, tingling, along with loss of appetite. I also feel squirmish and uncormfortable. I am scared out of my mind!! what is this? is it brain injury? just anxiety? cancer?!? i cant enjoy my life for i am in fear of everything... this has been countinuing for two months, please answer... also 2 days before this started i went on a violent rollercoaster. so could it be brain bleed or brain injury or even brain tumor

Cell block H fan
10-09-09, 17:12
Sounds like depression, & you need to get it sorted, because you will end up having a nervous breakdown. My sister had this & I couldn't even speak to her on the phone in the end (she lives quite far away) because everything was so bleak to her. She dreaded everything & saw nothing positive anymore. She didn't sleep for a couple of days in the end, & the doctor came out & gave her somethign that made her sleep, & she got sorted & is fine now. As much as we can be anyway! She was convinced she had a brain tumour at the time & nothing or noone was going to change that. She had a couple of years on anti depressants. It was a tough time, but now she isn't on any meds. So its not forever. x

10-09-09, 17:40
Sounds like you are dissociating, a thing we can do because we can't cope with what is happening. I get it sometimes where I look at my feet and they seem separate from me. Try some distraction and google mindfulness and meditation. Look at something nice a painting, or do something nice for yourself if you can. You aren't alone. If you haven't been for help then seek some help from your GP who will refer you for appropriate therapy. Tell yourself you are safe, it wont last forever.

anxious elephant999
10-09-09, 17:41
Im the same i am suffering with severe anxiety and sevre depression at the moment im scared to death of everything and i mean everything , i wake up and dont know where i am or who i am and get confused , i keep having bad panic attacks and constant dizziness , i am also suicidal ,because i dont want to feel like this anymore , im on tabs that i dont think are working but doc says she wants me to stay on them for another 3 weeks to see how i go , if i last that long of course , i dont really want to die coz thats what im scared off but dont think i can carry on this way , i have a daughter of 10 and my husband has had to give up work coz i cant look after her anymore ,

10-09-09, 18:38
Both depression and anxiety are very serious issues! Especially when suicide is rearing its ugly head - we all know that this isn't an answer! Personally I have been through a rough patch recently....had terrible depression and anxiety since this past January when I was "fired" - yes, I said "fired" from my job. It seems I forgot to get a signature on a form before I opened an account so off I went to the unemployement office (no unemployement checks for me as I was "fired" not layed off). From that point on my HA, GAD and depression hit full force!

so many thing shave changed in my life - some good and some not so good. I needed help! That goodness my GP is wonderful - she has worked with me over the past few months to choose and regulate my medications and therapy. I believe that most of us can live a "normal" life with the right combination of meds and therapy (and I only say "most" becuase I am not a Dr. and I don't have the training to make an "all of us" statement). The trick is is finding the right combination - your meds should take the edge off and allow you to function. Medication isn't a cure-all, you still have to work at "positive thinking" and beat away those depressing thoughts (therapy helps with this). Most meds take a full month to get into your system and allow you to feel the full effects.

None of us want to live like this! We hate it!