View Full Version : Chest Pain and Anxiety

10-09-09, 17:06
After suffering chest pain daily which includes all sorts of different (kinds) of pain in chest, I went to GP at my wits end and I am going for an ECG tomorrow. On top of that the fingertips of my left hand started to go blue recently. I am so scared and because I was diagnosed with mild pvd about five years ago I know already that even if the ECG shows nothing I am still going to question my arterial function and every time I get a chest pain I am going to think there is a blockage. The GP doesn't seem at all concerned and the ones I have visited are all agreed this is anxiety. :( WIll this ever end?
I feel like I am going mad.

10-09-09, 17:11
Hi please try not to worry
When i had an ECG they put electrodes on my arms to measure the flow in to your arms so im sure they will find anything that is there
I also get lots of chest pains of various types and had pins and needles in my left arm
whic led to me having the ECG
But 3 months on it is anxiety

Best of luck

10-09-09, 17:35
Thanks for replying x I also have pain in my left arm and I wish I could accept it as anxiety but I can't :( . I hope one day I will reach acceptance.

10-09-09, 17:40
You will not have to come to live with it because as you accept it it will go or at least mne did
the chest pains ease as well

Keep smiling

10-09-09, 18:28
I suffer from the same from the moment i wake up i have a pain in the centre of my chest which runs right through to between my shoulder blades.shooting pains in the left and the right of my chest which i have had for seven weeks now.i have had 2 ecg's bloodtest all have came back fine i phoned the on call doctor out 2 nights ago at 2.00am and he said my heart and lungs were fine but still i worry.I am going to hospital next week for a 24hr heart monitor to be fitted which will probably come back fine as well.I just find it hard to believe that anxiety can cause all these pains night and day.

10-09-09, 22:12
does anyone get chest pain after eating? I have been diagnosed with anxiety and have had very good ECGs... but I'm really worried about angina which I've heard doesn's show up.

11-09-09, 01:44
I too have these pains but am sure it is anxiety. Re angina - it is not left hand pain and it is not sharp pain. It is more like a dull central crushing pain. In fact it is often not a 'pain' as such - i know all this because my mum has angina. Also angina only normally comes on with exertion - unless it is very advanced and you would know then. It goes away as soon as you sit for a while. I am not saying that people with pain should not go to their docs - it is always best to get things checked out but try to re assure yourselves until you have seen the doctor that it is okay.

Also my mums ECG did have abnormalitys.

I am saying all this and even though I know all this I still freak out over some aspect of my health every day! Lol!