View Full Version : meeting

21-10-05, 11:55

Ive got a meeting with the bank manager about opening a business account my friend is going aswell im scared as it is right in the middle of town and Im really feeling panicky already and dont want to go, I had a bad panic attack in town the other day was sweating, dizzy and felt like would choke.

I dont think I can go :(


21-10-05, 12:13
Hi Kirgray

I dont think i can go ? Please do not torture yourself sending negative messages to your brain.
Live for the moment ........taking each moment at a time.
You may be just fine once there and then you would of tortured yourself for nothing.
I know its not easy because I am just like you but you can have good results with Positive thinking.
Go along and get there early and sit in the room to get used to the atmosphere.If you find the meeting stressfull take a choking fit and excuse yourself from the room.

good luck


21-10-05, 12:51
Hi Kirsty

The negative message you are sending yourself are making is more difficult to take action and get to the appointment. You are setting yourself up for panic before you have left the house.

If you instead reassure yourself that you will be safe, even if you feel scared it will help reduce the anticipatory anxiety. Do you feel better having your friend with you?

Perhaps you could do some relaxation before leaving and find some distraction to focus your thoughts on something else.

Hope it all goes well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-10-05, 13:16
well i feel like a failure I worked myself up so much Ive cancelled I made up an excuse I really want to do things but my anxiety holds me back sometimes, last week I went to birmingham and was fine why cant I go into town?. Feel like have let everyone down [V]

21-10-05, 13:19
You haven't let anyone down at all Kirsty.

We all find things more difficult some times than at others and then avoid doing them. Don't be so hard on yourself.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-10-05, 13:47

Maybe do the journey without having the appt so you know that bit is ok and then you may find its actually more about seeing the bank and whats you're aiming to do there that is the real issue.

Try to take off as much pressure as possible .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 14:27
thank you meg and karen

I think it was the actual meeting that was panicking me, I dont like being somewhere I cant escape from (even though I never need to I like to know that I can walk away if I want to).

I was so proud of myself going to birmingham on the train last week, is a nearly 2 hour journey and I just feel like have gone backwards again, but I havent have I im just having an off day and its a blip.


21-10-05, 14:40
Sounds like you are thinking of it in the right way Kirsty, what was your business plan for?

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

21-10-05, 17:43
me and my friend are doing handmade cards for weddings, birthdays, christmas etc.

We went to see a bride the other night and she wants the works.

Its very exciting and I hope it takes off. X

22-10-05, 06:49
Hi! You're doing fine. Sometimes, it just takes time, but you WILL get there. I know it.

The fear of fear is a terrible thing, but, when we make it thru an episode, or do something even though it terrifies us - whether big or small - it is a great step forward. Keep up the good work, and, remember, we understand and care!


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...