View Full Version : Increased anxiety: missed dose

Lion King
10-09-09, 19:57
Hi All,

I normally take 40mg of citalopram every morning and when I missed one it was when I had to go to work early and forgot to take it. When I finished work I came home and took the dose at around 5pm, I took the next one the following morning. I have done this once before and had a slight increase in anxiety but not as bad as what I have had upto 6 days after this point. I am just starting to get concerned as I am wondering when I am going to start to feel better again. To add to this I have been more tired than usual and my tension is creeping back, I have been getting up early for the last couple of weeks so I haven't been getting as much sleep plus working has been overstretching me and I have had to deal with difficult situations as well!

Is this another test on the road to recovery? Is this going to happen all the time or will I have to increase my dose?

Has anyone experienced the same after 4 1/2 months on this medication?

Please help!

A frustrated lion

10-09-09, 21:47
Hi Lion King! Going by what you say ,I would say its the combination of not enough sleep and added stress at work causing the problems.The missed dose wouldnt be causing this by now .It was only a few hours not a few days ..I do get more anxious when I AM TIRED also when I have been pushing things too far ..I had a bad couple of weeks a little while ago and I have been on cit for 11months now.There is a grey area to whether doses over 40mg are more beneficial and personally I would try to find a different solution rather than upping anymore .Getting plenty of rest and unwinding when you get home from work is essential to your recovery .Its still early days with regards to your job and you will need to be careful you dont get overloaded .Have you considered taking some Insitol ? Any thing is worth a try and lots of people swear by it ..You ve been doing really well lately and Im sure its just a blip .It will pass as long as you get your rest Im sure.Take care and try to have a rest at the w/e .Luv Sue x

Lion King
11-09-09, 20:14
Thanks Sue,

Top advice, I do feel run down and it is time to chill out. I've got next week off so me and the family are going away for the week to the coast to breathe in some sea air. Work has been very heavy since I have been bac, but I am my own worst enemy, the better I feel the more I commit myself as if trying to prove a point to the anxiety that I am stronger, time will tell but just need to make a conscious effort to pace myself!

Early night tonight, no messing about.

Hope you are well!

LK x