View Full Version : on care plan

10-09-09, 22:00
frst question is what does wellness mean to you, i can't even answer it right or choose right words to write, ive got to complete this by monday and ive only answered 2 questions, i feel worse the depression is taking over and i can't see a future :weep: they will think i dont want help, i got soo distressed trying to explain to gp today that i was scared of change and they said well you can have no help then, i just burst into tears and couldn't breathe, i find it hard to find the right words in not to get negative responces which is prob maybe why i dont like to speak through bad experiences

and still i cant answer these questions

1. what does wellness mean to me?

i dont want to have panic attacks, anxiety, self harm or eating disorder but dont know how to write these things into a sentence

2. my goals

burst into tears when cpn said i should be able to answer this easily, not anymore depression has got its grip, i cant face thinking of tomorrow let alone in 5years time

3. things important to me

all ive wrote is my pets and my garden :shrug:

4. my ways of coping strengths and positive coping strategies

i put going on internet and gardening :shrug:

5. things i might need help with

:weep: don't know what to say, im scared of saying anything through fear

6. what do i want to change

so i ut panic attacks, anxiety, eating probs, confidence, self arm

7. what can i do?

:unsure: ????? :weep:

8. what could other do to help me?

i really feel like writing not to think i dont want help when i say im scared of changes
, especially when all changes are happening at once, get used to one cpn then they change :weep:

9. what could services do?

:unsure: ??????

can anyone help me its soo hard, all i wanted was cpn to go through it with me more simply not to say ohhh this will be easy for you and hand it me back :weep: :weep: :weep:

10-09-09, 22:16

Blimey thats a tough one!!!!

I would just fill in what you can with your own thoughts etc and admit to the bits you cant do!!!

I have appraisal forms like this at work and always leave them half filled in cos I dont know what they are on about half the time:whistles:

Best of luck and if I can help then feel free to SHOUT:D

Kaz x:hugs:

10-09-09, 22:44
Fill in as much of it as you can by yourself and don't be afraid to ask your CPN for some extra help. You've already answered most of it and it sounds fine to me. If you're not sure about the future, then write that! You could say eg, "My goal is to get mentally and physically better so l can get on with planning my life"...

Don't be so hard on yourself ... and l hope that helps.


10-09-09, 23:42
Bless you lovely :hugs:

A pressure you just dont need when you're already feeling down!

I agree with the other replies, just answer what you can, leave what you cant and accept what help is offered.

Take care and be kind to yourself :)


10-09-09, 23:53
You need to answer the questions honestly in how YOU feel and not how we feel.

If we give you answers I feel that you will copy them and use them

This has to be about you and not us.

11-09-09, 10:53
ive filled it in and also put where others can help, about not making negative comments like your an adult you should know to eat, or well you can have no help, if i say something like i cut with anxiety pressure as everything is changing all at once - stating that negative comments only send me on a downward spiral, just like yesterday at doctors

i have rebooked to see gp again as the appointment didn't go very well, as last 2 times, maybe because it was busy and normally on that day it is quite but it only makes me feel worse when they are not as reassuring, not sure if thats right word

the only one ive left out is what services can do to help?
so will leave that one till monday appointment with psychiatrist