View Full Version : Here I go again.... :(

21-10-05, 13:10
I have just had another panic attack. I'm still suffering the after effects (I hope it is just that) I'm hot all over, my heart is racing and my arms are shaking like mad :s
I have noticed recently I have been getting really worn out from getting the kids to school etc. I had a happy morning whilst little one was at playschool, no worries at all but I walked fast to pick her up and then pushed her in the buggy all the way home (she seems to weigh a ton recently). Its not THat far but far enough. I got back and felt totally exhausted, I was really breathless and my chest felt really tight. It all happened so fast and I tried to stop my thoughts but my head told me I was having a heart attack so all the panic rushed in. i got hot, my chest felt even tighter, heart racing etc.
Its horrible, I know I wasnt having a heart attack but am now worrying something is wrong with me and I may be dead sometime soon.
just wanted to get it all out :( I hate being like this, I know all about stopping the thoughts but when it happens so quickly it catches me by suprise and I cant stop the onslaught on the dreaded PA

lucy x

21-10-05, 13:24
Hi Lucy

I can soo symphasise with you, Ive been the same today I was meant to go into town but I got myself so worked up-headaches, dizziness I was to scared to go, I am soo scared of the symptoms and my brain just goes into overdrive and tells myself something will happen-

Sorry to rabbit on about my morning-we will both have to see this as a blip and nothing else, I dont know about you but sometimes I feel strong enough to tell the anxiety to get lost other times it just takes over.

Hope you feel better hun XKIRSTX

21-10-05, 13:44
When you're anxious it is much easier to get exhausted and out of breath so your walk was like a work out to you really - thus the symptoms.

Next time keep telling yourself , you've been here before and been fine and will do so again.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 14:50
hi i get the exact symptoms. i used to cycle and walk miles a day..then when this started just walking to the local shops makes my heart race then i think im dying and it beats even faster. deep down i no its panic but no matter what anyone says. it feels so real to me...i did make an allmost full recovery for 3 years with only the odd symtom but it has now returned worse than ever.. it does definately get easier with time but u will always be a panicy person if u are that way inclined

21-10-05, 15:13
Hello Lucy, yes i sympathise with you, because im exactly the same, when i try to go to far away from home thats the symptoms i get aswell, but what i have started to try and tell myself, it is only a panic attack and it will blow over, and i slow my body right down or even stand there for a few minutes, but its hard to do, but its only practice, i can handle going out by myself and only feeling anxious and nervous but i know wat you mean by the full blown panic, out of breath, walking fast, shaking,etc. but it will get easier jst tell yourself i can get to the school again, and i wont panic. anyway hun, if you want to chat anytime feel free to pm, email me anytime

take care hun
lucy xxxx

21-10-05, 16:35
hi thanks all :)
feeling much better now, the anxiety is still lingering about making me feel slightly in edge but I have calmed down a lot and taking things easy.
thanks for all your replies :)
lucy x

21-10-05, 16:56
just have a lovely relaxing evening, a nice bath treat yourself to a big bar of chocolate and relax, maybe do some breathing techniques or yoga?

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

23-10-05, 23:11
You're fine :)