View Full Version : What are your worst/feared and least fear symptoms?

10-09-09, 23:46
Hey ev1

What is the symptom that you hate/fear most & which one is the least you like/fear? I am assuming that the one you hate is the one worst feared:huh:

The symptom i fear most is heart racing. This has become my main fear in the last 6 months, before that it was that I wouldn't be able to get my breath & would die of that!!

The symptom I fear least is twitching. I've read most of Dr Claire Weekes books & she said that the symptoms go away when you stop fearing them. I don't like the twitching they are pretty annoying to say the least but I don't fear them, so why do I still have them?:unsure: :unsure:

Els xx

10-09-09, 23:47
My worst fear is my sleep paralysis and daily hallucinations. The one i least fear is twitching also

17-09-09, 02:11
worst: depersonalization/feeling crazy
least: tingles

17-09-09, 18:48
most concerned: severe chronic insomnia..... lack of sleep makes everything else magnified with anxiety.. next, nocturnal panic attacks and racing heart.

least concerned: tingling on arms and legs...and hair standing on end.

17-09-09, 20:42
My worst is palpitations and chest pain and my least would have to be the muscle twitches.

17-09-09, 20:45
My worst is anything heart related & i don't have a least as everything bothers me slightly ha!

19-09-09, 04:15
My worst thing is feeling faint - Ive never actually fainted, but I always think that if I feel faint that theres something more sinister wrong with me.

My least is the racing heart - I tell myself its better than a heart not beating at all!

19-09-09, 04:29
My most feared is usally when my bladder plays up or I feel sick- mainly because I get so worked up I end up making myself sick. Also because I fear wetting myself even the thought of needing to go makes me start to panic so its a pretty nasty cycle. Sometimes its hard to work out what started first panicing then needing to go or needing to go then starting to panic!

My least is chest pain- I know it happens because I'm hyperventilating and the alternative is a trip to A+E which scares me more than having an actual heart attack- I know what I need to do and I can do something practical about it.

19-09-09, 10:36
My worst are the feelings of agitation, feeling faint and DP.:ohmy: My least would be muscle twitches.

19-09-09, 21:15
My worst used to be breathing troubles, but since i had a chext x-ray and other tests to do with it i don't really fear that anymore coz the tests were clear, now i fear twitches n jerks more coz of the lack of tests for it, don't have a least lol.

21-09-09, 22:27
Worst symptom - definitely blood appearing from anywhere in the body unexpectedly- even the tiniest spot. Anything that looks like it could be blood gets fearfully examined under a magnifier. Least worrisome symptom - strangely enough - is chest pain (though I do have reflux disease) and palpitations. This is probably because my HA is centred on the big 'C' rather than anything that may indicate a heart problem.

21-09-09, 23:11
My worst is detachment from reality ..fear of loosing it
my least iwould say my heart racing

21-09-09, 23:15
Worst agitation, muddle head and panic. Least prob racing heart rate. I find anything over than whats happening inside my head I can deal with at the time.

24-09-09, 20:23
I fear the return of nightly nocturnal panic attacks. Of being awoken from a sound sleep in the middle of the night. Its the most terrifying experience I've ever had. Its probably the source of my insomnia. That and the effects of tranquilizers on my body too boot.
You can't anticipate them.. you can't sense them coming during a sound sleep. worrying about it can raise one's anxiety level up ALOT!! while laying down to go to sleep. Its like no..don't go to sleep.. the panic attack monster will get you. Ack.. talk about psyching yourself out.. hehe.

24-09-09, 20:28
Shaking is my most feared symptom without a doubt.Not sure about the least feared one though....they are all pretty ghastly?
