View Full Version : i dont understand this?! Is this serious?!

11-09-09, 01:43
please help! I am becoming suicidal depression now! here are a list of my symptoms. please note that i went on a very violent rollercoaster 2 days before my first panic attack and i have had these symptoms for 2 months now. i am wondering if this is just regular anxiety or a serious brain issue? Please answer

-stabbing pains in chest, stomach, and head
-shortness of breath
-diffuculty swallowing
-tingling in arms and face
-right side of face feels numb
-off task easily
-short term memory (only occasional)
-hot flashes
-feeling as though i am in a movie or everything is in a dream-like state
-sometimes overcome by panic
-poor organization
-"spacing out" frequently
-mood swings
-waking up in night
-blurred vision

Anything you can tell me will help. i have been on St. john's wort (happy pills) and Samilisan both hemeopathic as well as vitamin C

11-09-09, 02:36
Take a look at the following website:


It lists all the symptoms that anxiety can give us. But why don't you go and have a chat with your doctor?

I'm sorry that you're going through such a bad time.

I can only tell you what I have as symptoms of anxiety, which is much of what you wrote down. Best to see a doctor to reassure you.


11-09-09, 02:42
thank you for the reply. the website helped.
i am still unsetteled becasue i have learned that anxiety mimicks many other deseases. my blood test is fine but why did it manifest so suddenly??

11-09-09, 03:00
I would say because you went on a violent roller coaster ride 2 days before your first panic attack. Some people are just not built to go on those things:weep: :mad:

Many things in life come on us quickly, before we can feel it, it's there.

As you haven't had this very long, get along to your doctor and nip it in the bud, so to speak. The sooner you get some help, the better off you will be.

Tell you doctor all your symptoms, take the list with you.


11-09-09, 03:08
THANK YOU ELSPETH. i feel better. i am going to a phyciatrist tomotrrow.

11-09-09, 03:29
THANK YOU ELSPETH. i feel better. i am going to a phyciatrist tomotrrow.

You're welcome. Good luck for 2moro & tell him everything, write it all down:)


11-09-09, 03:45
Okay can someone reassure me on who else has gone through this???

11-09-09, 05:19
Going down your list I said after viewing every one "had it!".
All the symptoms that you described are anxiety symptoms!
If you have been to the doctor and had the work ups and everything has come back fine then you have to start educating yourself on anxiety and work at it a little at a time.
The help pages on NMP hold a wealth of info that will help to educate you so you can be more proactive fighting anxiety.
Just remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Any questions or concerns, post about them!!
There are so many here who will be around to support you and answer any questions you can come up with!

11-09-09, 05:27
I wanted to add a little personal experience just so you could see that others have felt what you are feeling.
I'd have the chest pain and swear I was having a heart attack! Emergency trips all the time only to be told that I wasn't having one!!
24 hour monitor, EKG, stress test, all came out fine!
Sometimes I would look in the mirror and swear that it just wasn't me that was looking back! Like I was viewing someone else's life. On the outside looking in! Scary stuff really!!!
Depersonalization...another lovely symptom!! :(
Lightheadedness - that is one of my worst!!
Get up too fast or certain motions still can send my head spinning sometimes.
The something is stuck in my throat feeling!!
That one is scary because feeling like you can't get a good deep breathe in is just awful!
Been scoped... nothing wrong!

All anxiety!
Took me a long time to wrap my head around the fact that anxiety could cause all these physical symptoms!
But the truth is that after I accepted that fact and started to use positivity to counteract the negative thoughts that accompanied these symptoms, they came less often and were far less severe!
Hope this info helps a little at least to know that others feel as you do and that there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

11-09-09, 08:41
Hey Ash,

First of all...big hugs to you! :bighug1:

All of your symptoms really do sound like anxiety. But please don't feel suicidal. It really can and will get better. I PROMISE! I've had almost all of the symptoms you've described at one time or another. Trouble swallowing---I convinced myself for over a month that I couldn't eat because I was afraid to swallow so I would only eat soft foods (only when I was completely famished)...Very bizarre considering that I LOVE food! Waking up at night, dizziness, the tingling and numbness. I also have had a lot of tests and its seems that I am completely normal. I bet you are physically well, your anxiety just isn't making you feel that way.

The advice that I give to anyone on here struggling with health anxiety is to #1 NOT GOOGLE your symptoms under ANY circumstance. If you are scared about a symptom, come on here and post and we will reassure you. Whenever you feel the need to sit and think about your symptoms or check yourself in the mirror, try to distract yourself by watching the TV or playing a game. You can even log into the chat on this website and surely find some helpful people to keep your mind occupied and set your worries at ease.

But most of all...what I think is important for you right now is to see a doctor RIGHT AWAY. Please tell your doctor that you are so overwhelmed by your symptoms that you are feeling suicidal. Please also share these feelings with close family or friends so that you may have a support system.

I hope that I helped you a bit. Please take care and keep us posted. I did see that you said you were going to see a doctor so I'm eager to hear how that went. Hugs hugs hugs!


Cell block H fan
11-09-09, 10:52
Sounds a nightmare! Had a fair few of those things when ive had the anxiety bad.
But I'm most impressed about the rollercoaster! I wish I was brave enough to go on those! :weep:

11-09-09, 21:36
thank you so much!! im practicly weeping from so many helpful responses! I love you all and hope you too, win whatever battle you are in!

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The wisest man in the world knows that he still has much to learn...