View Full Version : New symptom to my anx - breathing. Help!

11-09-09, 07:15
Hi there

Sorry for the long post that's about to follow, i've had a sleepless night and i'm worried :weep:

I have been suffering from health anxiety for about 18 months now, I have heart palps most days, headaches most weeks and feel panicked much of the time. Everything did die down for a while but just over 2 weeks ago, whilst on holiday and after being on a plane (which i am very afraid of i should add) i started having difficulties breathing....i thought that maybe it was down to the plane or perhaps because i was staying in a mountain town and there was less oxygen than i am used to...however i've been home 2 weeks now and i'm still struggling and it's made me panic and set off my other symptoms again. It's not constant, it comes and goes...

My question is, does anyone else suffer from this? It's like I feel as if I can't take in enough oxygen and it makes me panic...which then sets off my palps...i don't really want to go and see my doctor because they're probably sick of me, but if it might be something serious then i think i should...i had an ECG last year and it was fine, do you think it's possible to develop a heart condition that would make me short of breath?

Any help would be much appreciated....my anxiety makes me so miserable and i start to distance myself which is affecting my relationship because my boyfriend thinks it's "him"....

11-09-09, 15:26
Have you ever learne how to breathe the "right" way? Taking short breathes can cause anxiety and panic to come on. Once I learned how to breathe right I was able to feel like I could breathe. Take a deep breathe through your mouth and hold it for a few and then release it slowly, your abdomen should expand while doing this. Let it out real slow and then do it again. Try doing this for 10 min several times a day. When you feel the heart palps coming on, drink water. When we get anxious we start to panic and then we breathe short breathes and that doesnt help. Be proud of yourself for getting on the plane, I havent gotten to that point yet.Take care and remember to breathe the right way. It will help.:winks: