View Full Version : Waking from sleep with a "jump"

11-09-09, 07:20
Hi there

I posted something a moment ago but thought i'd keep this one seperate.

Does anyone suffer from this? As I am just falling asleep I wake up with a jump and my heart starts racing and I feel panicked....it happens over and over and over again all night until my body finally gives into exhaustion. My anxiety has been bad agian lately so I think it's probably to do with that, I just want to know if anyone else has this and what they do to help it....the lack of sleep is seriously beginning to get to me and affect my work too, this week i have had about 2-3 hours sleep a night....i'm so tired!!



11-09-09, 09:27
Yes, that happens to me, but not to the extent you seem to be suffering. It can happen once or twice a night but then I don't have anymore problems with it. I think it's probably anxiety related, other than that I can't offer anymore advice or information.

All the best


freudian nightmare
11-09-09, 09:59
Hello kimberley,
I too have had the same thing as you, it is a bit alarming and similar to when you're drifting into sleep and you feel like you're falling and your body suddenly jolts you awake. I don't think it's particularly anything to worry about though, i think it's when you're very anxious and your body is trying to relax but it can't. I hope that makes sense lol! Have you tried anything to help you sleep better i.e. kalms, night rescue remedy, lavender etc? Or maybe you need to try some relaxation techniques to help you feel less anxious generally. I can certainly relate to the sleep deprivation as i'm struggling with it myself at the moment and i am finding it very difficult as it affects everything and especially work like you say. I hope you feel a bit better soon, best wishes x

11-09-09, 12:46
Hi this sensation of waking up with a jolt is quite common for a lot of people, even for some who do not suffer from anxiety.

I know it is quite alarming and scary when it happens, but I guess (hopefully) you will find some comfort in knowing its is quite common.

It is unknown why our bodies do this.