View Full Version : Bites

11-09-09, 09:55
For 30 yrs I lived in the countryside and never got an inflamed bite - I did occasionally get bitten by horse flies but never reacted.
3 weeks ago i moved out of countryside to seaside which seems to have much more wildlife and creepy crawlies!
The fist week i got a huge red itchy lump on my arm with large pink area around it and assumed I had got bitten - it went away in a week.
Today I woke up and though the back of my calf was itching and when I scratched I had another huge red lump with large area of pink around it and terrible itching and prickling.
I have put tea tree oil and anti histamine cream on it as I did the other one but am worrying that they are not bites but something else or that I will get nasty infection - I had a friend who got cellulitus from an bite and her arm swellled up horribly. Or that they are tick bites and I have got lymes disease!
Why should I suddenly start reacting to bites if that is what they are??
We have just changed Dr#s which is very scary as I don't know these new doctors.

11-09-09, 10:11
As the NMP moderators are on the warpath about giving out medical advice :D, I have to recommend you see a GP. The chances are that it is nothing serious, but it is best to be safe than sorry. Being socially phobic I empathize with your problem with the GP, but you know that it is the best option.

Hope that helps


11-09-09, 10:16
My other half has a bite the other week that was very lumpy along with the redness, but antihistamine cream sorted that, she may still have the lump there, so part of me thinks something got under her skin whilst gardening.

For something like this my first port of call would be the local pharmacist, he/she will advise you what to do from there, they are normally very good with their advice, and it only takes a few mins to do :)

11-09-09, 10:17
In addition to my last post. Not seeing the GP now would be avoidance and it could make it more difficult to see them if you get another problem. I know all about that being a phobia sufferer :blush:. If you do it now, the next time you get a problem you will find it much easier.

All the best


11-09-09, 13:10
Thanks Both. I have made appt with new GP this afternoon - as you say best to get it over with and meet one of the Drs. I also want to discuss my severe reaction to wasp stings as this year is terrible with wasps around all the time outside. I have always reacted badly as in loca reaction - I swell up hugely within seconds and this obviously could be dangerous if I got stung round my mouth etc.
I mentioned this to a pharmacist and he said that although i have not had a anaphylactic reaction he was worried that the as the reaction seems to get more pronounced on each sting it would be wise to carry an epipen just in case things get worse but need a Dr to presc that so will ask about both at same time.

11-09-09, 13:17
Well if you do get those kind of reactions it's best to get something to carry with you just incase isn't it :)

11-09-09, 13:24
I live in the country side and was wearing a kilt at a wedding lol and got biten by something no idea what and a massive lump appeared iv had it for about three weeks now it seems to of scabbed over. Was so itchy before. Let me know how you get on at the doctors :)

11-09-09, 19:40
Dr agreed to giving me an epipen in case my wasp sting reaction turns nasty but hope I never need it.
Am a bit worried about the bug bite - I showed it to Dr and he said it looks like a bit and apparently the area I have moved to has some nasty biting insects specific to the area! At that point it was a hard red lump in middle with inflamed circle round it about inch half in diameter and it was hot to touch. Trouble is that about 2 hrs after I saw Dr I looked at it again because it was itching like mad and the inflamed area has got alot redder and hotter. My husband drew a line around the area to see if it gets any bigger and if it does I think I will see out of hours Dr in case its infected.

As I have never had a bug bite before I don't know if this is normal or not??

11-09-09, 20:10
I dont know if this will help ease your worries but I was out watering the garden a few weeks back late at night. A day later i noticed 3 bites on my legs. They looked like normal nat bites. However over the next week the areas around the bites became blotchy like a rash and very swollen bit like how you describe yours. The itching was unbearable.

I used a hydrocortrozone cream from the local chemist and made sure they didnt get any bigger. After a few days then did go down.
I've never had a reaction to bites like that before, I wondered if it was because I am on different medication. However having since heard a few people have had a similar reaction its more likely to be some strange bug bite.

11-09-09, 22:28
Thanks mich much appreciated your reply. I got my husband to draw a line round the red patch and it hasn't got any bigger since - you are right the itching is unbearable - fine if I sit and do nothing but walking seems to set the itching off as it stretches the skin. I had a look at the nhs website as I thought this wasn't googling! and it said you can get extreme reaction to the saliva of insects you haven't been bitten by before so as I have moved areas I wonder if this is whats happened with me - as you say nasty little critters this year!!
I just hope the red patch does not get larger or it will be off to Dr.

13-09-09, 10:35
Hopefully it wont - mine eased too when sitting down and were worse when walking esp as one was right on my ankle.

13-09-09, 19:43
thankfully it improved dramatically overnight - but I got bitten again same day on my arm and this time I saw the little horror def mosquito. Local person told me that this year they are having worst year for wasps and mossies and the mossies are here because of the salt marsh. she said eventually you don't react as badly but it takes years! so off to buy some mossi guard natural and will put it on before I go out so probably not smell to wondeful for a few weeks:)