View Full Version : Sheer terror

21-10-05, 20:36
Does anyone get this...

Sometimes in situations i get scred but not in like a panicky heart thumping case, more in a i just want to shrink down and hide or just go somewhere quiet and hide away.

I almost feel myself shrinking away from people and going 'in myself' if that makes any sense.

It sounds stupid but i'd rather have a beating heart sometimes. [xx(]

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

21-10-05, 21:44
I thing I do understand what your talking about as I can be a very very much like that as well. I feel like it's easier to deal with a full on panic state cause I know how to make that go away better than I know how to find a way to feel like i belong in the room with the people I'm with. I get the same sort of frustration when I'm a little bit sick or in a little bit of pain i wish it would go away or get worse not that i really want it to get worse but just that at least i had a prety good idea that it was real and not in my head and I also have better copping method's when it's bad for some reason. I think I get scared that if it's not bad then it's not real or i'm not going to be taken serious if someone see that i'm not acting normal.

What eva the reason I know i will never get better and to where i want to be if sabortage my self by thinking negativly to get back to comfort zone of panic. It's sound silly to think my comfort zone is my panic but i have lived with it for so long that I dont know what lie's on the happy and well ajusted side of life as much as the panic.

The unknown is alway scary and we cant eva get threw unless we push threw it. Dose that make sence basicly treated it the same as you would if you were in a painc state.