View Full Version : soooo fed up!!

11-09-09, 10:48
Hello all,

im so fed up today!, i went back to work yesterday and had quite a good morning and started thinking that i should have gone back earlier!, i had to go to a funeral yesterday afternoon too, which i kind of wished i hadnt gone too, but anyway last night i felt awful, i dont know if it was tiredness catching up on me, i have been off work for 5 weeks, and went back yesterday on an early shift, had to be up at 6 which i not done for ages! anyway last night i felt so weak, i was getting sort of sharp electric shock type pains thru my chest and back, which sent me into panic mode, i was shaking, crying and generally felt unwell, but once i calmed down it did pass, my worry is these electric shock type pains!, my doc said its the citalopram, i have had blood tests and ecg and chest xray, but are these pains normal? do you thinks its like nerve endings just twinging? i woke up this morning after about 9 hours sleep and i still feel tired! i also wake up with pins and needles in both arms, and they feel very weak!, since being on citalopram i have completely lost my appetite, and have to force myself to eat, so maybe thats why i feel weak and tired. im getting so down by this anxiety and cant believe how many different symptoms you can get.

sorry for the jumbled long post !

11-09-09, 23:46
It seems like there is a new symptom for every occasion. If I get a symtom I try not to analyse what caused it. Easier said than done I know.

It sounds like you did have a big first day back at work and there are positives to take form it.