View Full Version : I was scared to talk about myself at first, but I'm just going to do it

11-09-09, 11:55
Coming from an unusual childhood ((bitter parents divorce where I stayed with my mother who was a sociopath, alcoholic and manic depressive etc)) my older brother had a mental breakdown from the stress and, similarly, I had my own problems...anorexia, bulimia, depression, slight ocd, self harm, alcohol, drugs…I knew university was my only way out and against all the odds I got there, but at the end of the first year everyone had to move out for summer, and I went “home” to the most unbearable stress and horrendous mother. After 2 months, I had a nervous breakdown at age 19. My body went into complete shock and spasm, like a fit, my nervous system went wild. It took a head neurologist to assess that it was stress and he wanted me transferred to a different hospital with a specialist neurology ward. But, after I could walk again and seem relatively normal, about a week, I discharged myself and went back to uni. The following 2 years have been pretty rough. I disowned my mother - which didn’t go down lightly with her – but finished my degree with a first. I managed to conquer many of my problems mentioned earlier, which after hospital came in powerful waves where sometimes I could cope, other times I would be in a bottomless pit of despair. Today, I still have overwhelming waves of depression which come with great anxiety. It is not uncommon for me to collapse or have panic attacks when I’m feeling really stressed and I have been in hospital again, but since I was drinking that day they put it down to alcohol. My confidence is low – probably from being told I was all sorts by my mum as a child. Recently, I have thought about getting NLP or some form of cognitive therapy to move forward once and for all. If anyone has any experience I would love to know what they thought of it. Hope you are all well. Thanks for reading my words, it means a lot x

11-09-09, 13:10
Hi Deby3
And welcome! Ive just joined aswell and thanks for sharing:) Sounds like a lot of your anxiety is rational, reading what you have been through, its the irrational panic you need to treat and CBT is a really good thing to do and to help you in moving forward:) I have also undergone a Self Assertiveness course which sounds like may help you awell?This is a quick reply as Im just on my way out, but look forward to 'speaking' to you again.

11-09-09, 15:01
Hi Deby3,
No wonder you have anxiety, anyone would going through all that. But you've got there, you got a degree and thats amazing after all you've been through. Look at all the options available to you and talk to as many people as possible about all treatments, what works for 1 might not work for another. I wish you all the luck in the world, but after all you've been through to have the strength to do what you've done I think your amazing and I wish I had just a bit of you strength.
Take care

11-09-09, 15:28

I am about half way through Cognative behavior therapy whic is working for me i would recommend giving it a try

Best wishes

11-09-09, 15:37
Hi Deby3:welcome:

Totally agree with Angela:

“To have the strength to do what you've done I think your amazing”

You must have been through an emotional marathon, and yet you still keep bouncing back! Although the situations around you must have been truly horrendous, you’ve kept going.:)

I’m so pleased you have found this site, it almost feels like a family on here:hugs:

Take care:flowers:
