View Full Version : [B][/B]Headache??

11-09-09, 14:12
I had an intense headache the other night and now when i bend over or cough or move my head quickly i get a throbbing pain i my head in the front left. What could this have been? I have suffered from migraines in the past but this headache didnt have a visual aura like i usually get. Im so worried!!!

11-09-09, 14:13
Hi Jimbo have you seen your gp yet has the headache gone away?

11-09-09, 14:23
The headache has gone now i just got this problem when exerting like yesterday but im not sure wheter its less today or exactly the same. Im just panicing agen i cant get thoughts of anurysms or tumours out of my head eventhough when ive had a migraine before it hurt when i bent over but then went away.

11-09-09, 14:26
I think your just panicking mate, if your really worried go to your local gp so they can put your mind at ease as i said the other day going to the doctors was the best thing i did they immediately made me feel at ease and iv felt better ever since

11-09-09, 15:22
Ive just noticed that if i more my eyes looking upwards that my forehead hurts a little too and that i got a few little floaters hanging round my eyes? If its eyestrain headache i wouldnt know anyway because ive neva had one before....

11-09-09, 17:13
Has anyone had an eyestrain headache ? if so what are the symtoms and could you get one by looking at a monitor in a dark room with poor posture ( like lieing down or slouching) for long periods (6 or 7 hours)

11-09-09, 17:15
Def i get them often because i do exactly that all day almost every day, feels like pressure at back of the eyes and gives a headache which can last a while

11-09-09, 17:29
Can you like get pains in the head when you move your eyes even after the headaches gone?