View Full Version : Freezing cold as a symptom

11-09-09, 14:38
Does anyone else start freezing for no reason? This symptom actually started a few years ago but was rare, then last year it began happening all the time. Regardless of the temperature, all of a sudden I would start getting cold and then would be freezing. It usually came with a feeling of pressure in my head. I had a million tests but doctors never found anything and they all said it was stress. Still, deep down I am convinced that I have some deadly illness and everytime I even feel a chill I go into panic mode.

11-09-09, 15:26

Ive had this before, i also get the opposite too and go really hot. Theres a bit on the left of the screen about the physical symptoms of anxiety and it talks about temperature changes there that sound like this

I would say if dr checekd everything and also its been happening for so long that its health anxiety thats making you doubt thats its nothing else.

I would try and ignore your dark thoughts.......its just anxiety


11-09-09, 15:38
I was just going to post about this . Ever since my panic attack 6 weeks ago i have been freezing cold. My hands and feet are cold most of the day.

I have no idea why.

11-09-09, 15:43

I get this at time and i think it might be because of the way that your circulation alters when you ae stressed. I think that once you have lots of adrenaline and cortisol in your body from stress that your body is designed to keep making more until you manually stop the cycle. I think thats what our minds interpret as the whole fear cycle.....once the adrenalne and cortisol is in our system it alters our thoughts and makes them negative which casues us to think more bad thoughts and churn more adrenaline and cortisol into oursystem.........

I would try and relax about this.....if you have health anxiety and no physical symptoms that would be even weirder!!!

11-09-09, 15:50
Thanks lisa! I was supposed to go to a friends today and i just took a turn!! i felt so weak and run down and freezing!

I just felt sooo run down and weak as soon as i wake up an hour later i wanna sleep again and i yawned alot too and stupid headaches!

I dunno i just cant seem to shake it !

11-09-09, 16:18
Are you eating and drinking enough? When your anxious you really need to look after those things a lot more than when you arent.


11-09-09, 16:32
Well i have lost over a stone! but i eat my breakfast and dinner. I only drink bottled water and i drink 5-6 glasses or more a day plus some fruit !

I have vitamins too! i have been on them for about a week and my gp gave me vitimens which i have been on for 3 weeks.

I have no idea why im so anxious! just feels like a constant state of shock and panic!

11-09-09, 16:34
ive get one of either freezing ,,which i mean is so cold i need two duvets and im still not warm,,,or sweltering in which case i spend loads of time by the fan,,but yes i think its common to us stress heads lol

12-09-09, 00:47
I can be like this too,was like it a few days ago when it was apparantly rather humid. My hands and feet were numb! I was going about to everyone,"feel my hand,it's numb,its numb!" And they would pat my head and ask me if I felt alrigt which as you probably guess didn't help any..

I think stress can fiddle about with our temps. I can get proper flustered and roasting too. xx