View Full Version : A Question For You Ladies Who Have Gone Through Menopause

11-09-09, 14:55
My periods have always been every 31 days or so. This past year I've noticed they started getting shorter, like 28 or 29 days. The last few have been, 25, 26 and then last night I got my period and looked at the calendar and it has only been 23 days since my last one.

I have always been so regular and now I'm wondering if this could be perimenopause. I haven't had any hot flashes or anything. My anxiety seems worse, along with some mild depression and a little trouble sleeping. I figured that's because of the anxiety.

I thought that when you get close to menopause that your periods would space out, not get closer together. Just wondering if anyone else has done this. By the way, I'm 47.

I appreciate any input.

Thanks, Ro44

11-09-09, 15:08
It is about that time. That is how mine started, my periods got shoeter betweentimes and they only lasted for a little while. I am now down to 3 hours and have the hot flashes. Have you had blood work done yet? I have also noticed that my sleep lately is getting shorter:weep: , I love sleep. I started early, I am only 40 but everyone in my family started menopause early. I am only beginning, the doctor told me 5 to 7 years, and I thought wow what a nice prison sentence. Take care and call your doctor for a blood workup, they can tell you if this is what is going on with you.

11-09-09, 15:12
No, I haven't had any blood work done. It's been almost a year since my last pap smear, at that time I was still very regular. I guess I will ask the doctor about it at my next appointment, which will be soon.


11-09-09, 15:49
My periods have always been every 31 days or so. This past year I've noticed they started getting shorter, like 28 or 29 days. The last few have been, 25, 26 and then last night I got my period and looked at the calendar and it has only been 23 days since my last one.

I have always been so regular and now I'm wondering if this could be perimenopause. I haven't had any hot flashes or anything. My anxiety seems worse, along with some mild depression and a little trouble sleeping. I figured that's because of the anxiety.

I thought that when you get close to menopause that your periods would space out, not get closer together. Just wondering if anyone else has done this. By the way, I'm 47.

I appreciate any input.

Thanks, Ro44

Hi im not menopausal but i really think that anxiety causes changes in your cycle. Theres lots of threads about it too and lots of others have noticed this as well.

Since coming off the depo injection four years ago mine are constantly only 25 days apart. They say that 21 even is normal. Maybe just natural fluctuations for your body at this time.

Hope your okay


11-09-09, 16:14

I guess it could be anxiety. It's just that I've had anxiety for years and always had regular cycles. My sister was about my age when she started "the change" but she didn't have cycles closer together, hers would just space out or she would start skipping a month or two.

11-09-09, 16:20
Maybe its combination of the two? Does you sister get anxiety as well? If not then maybe thats whats diffferent


11-09-09, 16:28
No, my sister NEVER gets anxiety. Wish I could be like that. Even after two divorces and her current boyfriend of almost 2 years, she is constantly shopping, going out to eat, movies, etc. She's always happy, and I'm stuck in this house unable to drive without feeling like I'm going to faint, I can't seem to enjoy anything anymore, Oops, sorry to rant, I'm probably just being jealous. lol

11-09-09, 16:54
Aw its okay to be envious.....anxiety sucks and noone deserves it!! We should all be like your sister...wish i could too!

Guess everynes body is different and thats that!!


11-09-09, 22:15
I started the premenopausel about 2 years ago and my cycle was all up the wall and i was hoping to start a family, i was useing the test kits that told you when you were overlating but they stopped working this is what made have blood tests. i know I am now on the start, i have had hot sweats but dont get them all the time, i blead again for 3 days 8 months after i stoped ,i have been told the menopause can last 10 years so more to come. By the way i am 48

chel xxx