View Full Version : Anyone Else Really Run Down?!

11-09-09, 16:58
Hey all just wanted to know something. Since my panic attack 6 weeks ago i have been soo run down ! When i wake up about an hour later i feel so tired i wanna sleep again!

Everything is such an effort from bathing to doing the dishes!

I just wanna know is anyone else in the same boat and have any helpful tips?

Thanks all! ps. i have been taking vitimens for 3 weeks and even better ones for 1 week now and i dont really see any change? maybe they take a while to kick in?

thanks all

11-09-09, 17:19
Anxiety can be really knackering because it makes even the simplest things so much more stressful...

Vitamins generally do take a while to kick in, it depends what you're taking I guess. I take a very high strength vitamin B supplement which seems to help.

If vitamins don't help your doctor can test for any specific deficiencies so you know exactly what to take to help.

Other than that, just make sure you're sleeping enough and eating properly, and I hope you start to feel better soon.

11-09-09, 17:21
if ur not sleeping enough, try a relaxation tape at night, it worked wonders for me 2 drift off 2 sleep. and i usually sleep during the day for a few hours, but i havent had 2 go 2 sleep yet :D

11-09-09, 17:33
Yea i think its all the worry that has ran me down. i get me sleep though and have no trouble sleeping! i slept for like 12 hours last night!

i dont know what i could do to get that spring in my step again!